EuroCup Career Leaders and Records for Points

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EuroCup Leaders and Records for Points: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through Apr 15, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player PTS
1. Bojan Dubljevic 1445
2. Rafael Martinez 1240
3. Alex Mumbru 1193
4. Marko Popovic 1188
5. Mire Chatman 1187
6. EJ Rowland 1183
7. Chuck Davis 1147
8. Todor Stoykov 1138
9. Radoslav Rancik 1127
10. Elmedin Kikanovic 1084
11. Tre Simmons 1066
12. Sammy Mejia 1053
  Julius Jenkins 1053
14. Vladimir Veremeenko 1036
15. Tadija Dragicevic 1022
16. Ksistof Lavrinovic 980
17. David Logan 951
18. Loukas Mavrokefalidis 948
  Errick McCollum 948
20. Marko Marinovic 930
21. Kelly McCarty 922
22. Demond Mallet 913
23. Kyle Kuric 905
24. Corey Brewer 902
25. Terrell Lyday 893
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