EuroLeague Career Leaders and Records for Minutes Played

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EuroLeague Leaders and Records for Minutes Played: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 19, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player MP
1. Vassilis Spanoulis 8238
2. Juan Carlos Navarro 8200
3. Dimitris Diamantidis 7965
4. Paulius Jankunas 7255
5. JR Holden 6555
6. Sergio Llull 6538
7. Felipe Reyes 6289
8. Giorgos Printezis 6191
9. Milos Teodosic 6125
10. Gianluca Basile 5771
11. Antonis Fotsis 5649
12. Marcus Brown 5517
13. Jaka Lakovic 5496
14. Ante Tomic 5380
15. James Gist 5281
16. Rudy Fernandez 5257
17. Kyle Hines 5228
18. Ioannis Bourousis 5169
19. Theodoros Papaloukas 5089
20. Sergio Rodriguez 5059
21. Jan Vesely 5052
  Trajan Langdon 5052
23. David Andersen 5018
24. Mike Batiste 4967
25. Nikola Vujcic 4957
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