EuroLeague Career Leaders and Records for Steals Per 40 MP

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EuroLeague Leaders and Records for Steals Per 40 MP: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 19, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player STL/40MP
1. Pablo Prigioni 2.80
2. Theodoros Papaloukas 2.63
3. Nick Calathes 2.27
4. Dimitris Diamantidis 2.18
5. Viktor Khryapa 2.07
6. Jonas Maciulis 2.04
7. Rudy Fernandez 2.00
8. Gianluca Basile 1.82
9. JR Holden 1.51
10. Juan Carlos Navarro 1.21
11. Vassilis Spanoulis 1.19
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