EuroLeague Career Leaders and Records for Total Rebounds Per 40 MP

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EuroLeague Leaders and Records for Total Rebounds Per 40 MP: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 19, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player TRB/40MP
1. Mirsad Turkcan 14.10
2. Ioannis Bourousis 12.41
3. Felipe Reyes 11.35
4. Tibor Pleiss 11.09
5. Gustavo Ayon 10.95
6. Othello Hunter 10.86
7. Ante Tomic 10.65
8. Kerem Gonlum 10.24
9. Denis Marconato 10.17
10. Alex Tyus 9.95
11. Paulius Jankunas 9.55
12. Gregor Fucka 9.27
13. Viktor Khryapa 9.18
14. David Andersen 9.13
15. Mike Batiste 9.00
16. Kyle Hines 8.81
17. Luis Scola 8.79
18. Fran Vazquez 8.66
19. Bryant Dunston 8.40
20. Nikola Vujcic 8.37
21. Jorge Garbajosa 8.28
22. Kostas Tsartsaris 8.24
23. Nicolo Melli 8.02
24. Antonis Fotsis 7.96
25. Jan Vesely 7.96
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