EuroLeague Career Leaders and Records for Usage Pct

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EuroLeague Leaders and Records for Usage Pct: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 19, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player Usg%
1. Alphonso Ford 30.45
2. Sofoklis Schortsanitis 30.04
3. Nando De Colo 29.35
4. Keith Langford 28.44
5. Miroslav Raduljica 28.06
6. Ali Traore 27.70
7. Igor Rakocevic 27.15
8. Vassilis Spanoulis 27.07
9. Alessandro Gentile 27.03
10. Mike James 26.94
11. Huseyin Besok 26.82
12. Lynn Greer 26.47
13. Anthony Randolph 26.38
14. Mario Kasun 26.35
15. Darius Songaila 26.32
16. Luis Scola 26.30
17. Alexey Shved 26.18
18. Kaspars Kambala 26.16
19. Sani Becirovic 26.08
20. Nikola Pekovic 26.05
21. Tyrese Rice 25.88
22. Terrell Lyday 25.79
23. Louis Bullock 25.76
24. Arvydas Macijauskas 25.75
25. Milos Vujanic 25.75
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