LNB Pro A Career Leaders and Records for Assists Per 40 MP

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LNB Pro A Leaders and Records for Assists Per 40 MP: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player AST/40MP
1. D.J. Cooper 12.30
2. Laurent Sciarra 9.10
3. David Holston 9.07
4. Kareem Reid 9.06
5. Babacar Cisse 8.49
6. John Roberson 8.18
7. Zack Wright 7.56
8. Jason Rowe 7.41
9. Marc Antoine Pellin 7.28
10. Aymeric Jeanneau 7.09
11. Stanley Jackson 7.06
12. Andrew Albicy 6.99
13. Axel Julien 6.72
14. Bernard King 6.69
15. Antoine Diot 6.65
16. Souleyman Diabate 6.55
17. John Linehan 6.47
18. Benjamin Sene 6.35
19. Louis Campbell 6.10
20. Steeve Essart 6.07
21. Steed Tchicamboud 5.79
22. Jonathan Rousselle 5.74
23. Antoine Eito 5.55
24. Blake Schilb 5.51
25. Jimmal Ball 5.39
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