LNB Pro A Career Leaders and Records for Free Throw Pct

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LNB Pro A Leaders and Records for Free Throw Pct: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player FT%
1. Michael Thompson .8779
2. Justin Cobbs .8757
3. Rowan Barrett .8348
4. Austin Nichols .8330
5. Jermaine Guice .8293
6. Jason Rowe .8155
7. Eric Chatfield .7956
8. TJ Lux .7482
9. Cyril Julian .7392
10. Aaron Harper .7361
11. Tariq Kirksay .7056
12. Rahshon Turner .7017
13. Ricardo Greer .6955
14. K'Zell Wesson .6616
15. Geoff Lear .6193
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