LNB Pro A Career Leaders and Records for Points Per 40 MP

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LNB Pro A Leaders and Records for Points Per 40 MP: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player PTS/40MP
1. Rick Hughes 24.02
2. Zachery Peacock 22.97
3. Ali Traore 22.89
4. Rowan Barrett 22.02
5. Jason Rowe 21.69
6. Brion Rush 21.62
7. Danny Strong 21.42
8. Dewarick Spencer 21.33
9. Cyril Julian 21.27
10. TJ Lux 20.97
11. Derrick Obasohan 20.94
12. Marc Salyers 20.66
13. Chevon Troutman 20.66
14. Ahmad Nivins 20.37
15. Aaron Harper 20.10
16. A.J. Slaughter 19.99
17. Nicolas De Jong 19.78
18. Lamayn Wilson 19.77
19. Rahshon Turner 19.74
20. Austin Nichols 19.47
21. Lance Harris 19.30
22. Edwin Jackson 19.19
23. JP Batista 19.19
24. Tim Blue 19.13
25. Steven Gray 19.06
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