Lega Serie A Career Leaders and Records for Offensive Rebounds

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Lega Serie A Leaders and Records for Offensive Rebounds: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player ORB
1. Andrea Michelori 807
2. Roberto Chiacig 793
3. Mason Rocca 763
4. Benjamin Ortner 630
5. Diego Fajardo 572
6. Marko Tusek 568
7. Casey Shaw 566
8. Deyan Ivanov 565
9. Marko Milic 560
10. Benjamin Eze 550
11. Angelo Gigli 547
12. Denis Marconato 529
13. Alessandro Frosini 517
14. Luca Garri 497
15. Giacomo Galanda 488
16. Joseph Blair 475
17. Achille Polonara 466
18. Brandon Brown 464
19. Eric Williams 451
20. Alessandro Tonolli 446
21. Greg Brunner 422
22. Andrea Crosariol 421
23. O.D. Anosike 412
24. Shaun Stonerook 410
25. Goran Jurak 382
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