Lega Serie A Career Leaders and Records for Points

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Lega Serie A Leaders and Records for Points: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player PTS
1. Drake Diener 4018
2. Carlton Myers 3867
3. Alex Righetti 3777
4. Pietro Aradori 3633
5. Rimantas Kaukenas 3491
6. Bootsy Thornton 3490
7. Nicolas Mazzarino 3483
8. Giacomo Galanda 3423
9. Daniele Cavaliero 3382
10. Jerome Allen 3351
11. Massimo Bulleri 3340
12. Fabio Di Bella 3328
13. Gianmarco Pozzecco 3211
14. Marko Tusek 3186
15. Roberto Chiacig 3054
16. Stefano Mancinelli 3044
17. Matteo Soragna 2982
18. Gianluca Basile 2971
19. Luca Vitali 2945
20. Giuseppe Poeta 2888
21. Larry Middleton 2877
22. Daniele Cinciarini 2845
23. Andrea Michelori 2833
24. Marko Milic 2812
25. Michele Mian 2808
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