Lega Serie A Career Leaders and Records for Steals Per Game

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Lega Serie A Leaders and Records for Steals Per Game: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 27, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player SPG
1. Manu Ginobili 3.47
2. Cookie Belcher 2.96
3. David Vanterpool 2.86
4. Sidney Johnson 2.75
5. Riccardo Pittis 2.72
6. Shaun Stonerook 2.65
7. Jerry McCullough 2.62
8. Nate Green 2.61
9. David Hawkins 2.58
10. Ibrahim Jaaber 2.53
11. Titus Ivory 2.52
12. Alejandro Montecchia 2.52
13. Andrea Meneghin 2.51
14. Boris Gorenc 2.47
15. Bootsy Thornton 2.43
16. Charles Smith 2.43
17. Keith Carter 2.31
18. Marques Green 2.31
19. Ricky Minard 2.28
20. Daniel Farabello 2.24
21. Hugo Sconochini 2.23
22. Demarco Johnson 2.22
23. Marko Jaric 2.21
24. Andre Collins 2.19
25. Fabio Di Bella 2.18
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