Liga ACB Single Season Leaders and Records for 3-Pt Field Goal Pct

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for 3-Pt Field Goal Pct: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player Year 3P%
1. Brian Jackson 1990 .5576
2. Jaycee Carroll 2016 .5305
3. Juan Espil 1998 .5083
4. Chicho Sibilio 1987 .5057
5. Mike Iuzzolino 2002 .5000
6. Jimmy Oliver 1995 .4967
7. Linton Townes 1994 .4946
8. Andy Toolson 1998 .4930
9. Andy Toolson 1994 .4911
10. Oscar Schmidt 1995 .4848
11. Velimir Perasovic 1999 .4813
12. Velimir Perasovic 2001 .4632
13. Velimir Perasovic 1994 .4611
14. Conner Henry 1995 .4596
15. Raul Perez 1996 .4574
16. Conner Henry 1993 .4570
17. Jimmy Baron 2011 .4545
18. Andy Toolson 1995 .4517
19. Mark Simpson 1992 .4491
20. Raul Perez 1997 .4483
21. Louis Bullock 2004 .4481
22. Juan Carlos Navarro 2007 .4462
23. Mark Simpson 1993 .4458
24. Charlie Bell 2005 .4449
25. Chicho Sibilio 1988 .4424
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