Liga ACB Career Leaders and Records for Field Goal Attempts

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for Field Goal Attempts: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player FGA
1. Alex Mumbru 5554
2. Alberto Herreros 5416
3. Brian Jackson 4979
4. Joan Creus 4832
5. Velimir Perasovic 4815
6. Joe Arlauckas 4795
7. Jordi Villacampa 4788
8. Juan Carlos Navarro 4767
9. Granger Hall 4657
10. Felipe Reyes 4536
11. Andre Turner 4456
12. Richard Scott 4328
13. John Pinone 4125
14. Bernard Hopkins 4047
15. Jose Antonio Paraiso 3971
16. Andy Panko 3765
17. Chicho Sibilio 3711
18. Albert Oliver 3670
19. Rafa Jofresa 3636
20. Darryl Middleton 3623
21. Juan Antonio San Epifanio 3589
22. Harper Williams 3582
23. Claude Riley 3575
24. Lou Roe 3464
25. Fernando San Emeterio 3447
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