Liga ACB Career Leaders and Records for Offensive Rebounds

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Liga ACB Leaders and Records for Offensive Rebounds: Season · Career · Yearly

(Updated for games through May 26, 2019)

Leaders Table
Rank Player ORB
1. Felipe Reyes 1582
2. Granger Hall 1093
3. Bernard Hopkins 1027
4. Darryl Middleton 909
5. Salva Guardia 813
6. Carlos Jimenez 810
7. Juan Orenga 761
8. Devin Davis 749
9. Fran Vazquez 747
10. Claude Riley 739
11. Axel Hervelle 738
12. Ruben Garces 723
13. Anicet Lavodrama 714
14. Alfonso Reyes 702
15. Pedro Rodriguez 700
16. Harper Williams 691
17. Sitapha Savane 688
  Richard Scott 688
19. Roberto Duenas 676
20. Derrick Alston 671
21. Ramon Rivas 668
22. Tanoka Beard 665
23. Bobby Martin 653
24. Jose Antonio Paraiso 648
25. Oriol Junyent 644
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