List of all the NBL Players with Last Names Starting with G

Index of Letters

Ga  Bill Gabor 1948-49

       Elmer Gainer 1941-42 to 1948-49

       Laddie Gale 1939-40

       Lowell Galloway 1946-47

       Freddie Gantt 1947-48

       Frank Garcia 1943-44 to 1945-46

       Ben Gardner 1946-47

       Jack Garfinkel 1945-46 to 1946-47

       Frank Gates 1946-47 to 1948-49

       Pop Gates 1946-47 to 1948-49

       Bob Gauchat 1946-47

Ge  Johnny Gee 1946-47

       Hal Gensichen 1947-48

       Bob Gerber 1942-43 to 1947-48

Gi  Jim Gibbs 1946-47 to 1947-48

       John Gibbs 1947-48

       Dee Gibson 1948-49

       Hoot Gibson 1948-49

       Boody Gilbertson 1948-49

       Frankie Gilhooley 1946-47

       Hymie Ginsburg 1937-38 to 1938-39

Gl  George Glamack 1941-42 to 1948-49

       Ed Glancy 1943-44

       Jim Glass 1944-45

Go  Pim Goff 1939-40 to 1940-41

       Jackie Goldsmith 1947-48

       Pop Goodwin 1945-46

Gr  Moose Graf 1938-39 to 1942-43

       Fred Grafft 1937-38

       Otto Graham 1945-46

       Don Grate 1947-48

       Boney Grauman 1938-39

       Cortez Gray 1942-43

       Wyndol Gray 1947-48

       Al Grenert 1945-46 to 1947-48

       Ken Griffith 1941-42

       Art Grove 1948-49

       Bob Gruenig 1948-49

       Nick Grunzweig 1946-47

Gu  Ken Gunning 1937-38 to 1945-46

       Al Guokas 1948-49