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2024-25 Regular Season

2024-25 Regular Season Table
Rk G Date Age Tm   Opp   GS MP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% STL% BLK% TOV% USG% ORtg DRtg GmSc BPM
12025-01-0423-280INDPHOW (+18)Inactive
22025-01-0623-282IND@BRKW (+14)Inactive
32025-01-0823-284INDCHIW (+16)Inactive
412025-01-1023-286INDGSWW (+12)01:510.
52025-01-1223-288IND@CLEW (+15)Inactive
622025-01-1423-290INDCLEL (-10)01:29.532.0000.
72025-01-1623-292IND@DETW (+11)Did Not Play
832025-01-1823-294INDPHIW (+13)01:
942025-01-2323-299INDSASL (-30)01:5549.
1052025-01-2523-301IND@SASW (+38)03:17.000.0000.059.731.127.614.
1162025-01-2923-305INDDETW (+14)01:471.5001.5000.
122025-02-0123-308INDATLW (+5)Did Not Play
132025-02-0323-310IND@UTAW (+1)Inactive
142025-02-0423-311IND@PORL (-23)Inactive
152025-02-0623-313IND@LACW (+7)Inactive
162025-02-0823-315IND@LALL (-7)Inactive
172025-02-1123-318INDNYKL (-13)Inactive
182025-02-1223-319IND@WASW (+4)Inactive
192025-02-2023-327INDMEMW (+14)Inactive