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2024-25 Regular Season

2024-25 Regular Season Table
Rk G Date Age Tm   Opp   GS MP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% STL% BLK% TOV% USG% ORtg DRtg GmSc BPM
12025-01-0124-333UTA@NYKL (-16)Inactive
22025-01-0424-336UTA@MIAW (+36)Inactive
32025-01-0524-337UTA@ORLW (+13)Inactive
42025-01-0724-339UTAATLL (-3)Inactive
52025-01-0924-341UTAMIAL (-5)Inactive
612025-01-1124-343UTA@PHOL (-8)09:21.000.00010.937.623.
722025-01-1224-344UTABRKW (+1)018:34.255.3006.311.
832025-01-1524-347UTACHOL (-5)021:50.500.5000.05.82.712.
942025-01-1724-349UTA@NOPL (-13)017:40.5680.
1052025-01-2024-352UTA@NOPL (-4)010:24.347.00017.60.09.412.
1162025-01-2224-354UTA@OKCL (-9)018:26.500.50010.
1272025-01-2524-357UTA@MEML (-22)022:29.611.6119.310.910.
1382025-01-2724-359UTAMILL (-15)010:19.333.3338.
1492025-01-2824-360UTA@GSWL (-11)06:00.000.0000.048.027.920.
152025-01-3024-362UTAMINL (-25)Inactive
162025-02-0124-364UTAORLW (+14)Inactive
172025-02-0325-000UTAINDL (-1)Inactive
182025-02-0525-002UTAGSWW (+3)Did Not Play
192025-02-0725-004UTA@PHOL (-8)Did Not Play
202025-02-0825-005UTA@LACL (-20)Did Not Play
Rk G Date Age Tm   Opp   GS MP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% STL% BLK% TOV% USG% ORtg DRtg GmSc BPM
21102025-02-1025-007UTA@LALL (-19)02:570.
222025-02-1225-009UTALALW (+12)Inactive
232025-02-1325-010UTALACL (-4)Inactive
242025-02-2125-018UTAOKCL (-23)Inactive
252025-02-2225-019UTAHOUW (+9)Inactive
262025-02-2425-021UTAPORL (-2)Inactive
272025-02-2625-023UTASACL (-17)Inactive
282025-02-2825-025UTAMINW (+1)Inactive
292025-03-0225-027UTANOPL (-7)Inactive
302025-03-0325-028UTADETL (-28)Did Not Play
312025-03-0525-030UTA@WASL (-3)Inactive
322025-03-0725-032UTA@TORL (-9)Inactive
332025-03-0925-034UTA@PHIL (-4)Inactive