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2024-25 Regular Season

2024-25 Regular Season Table
Rk G Date Age Tm   Opp   GS MP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% STL% BLK% TOV% USG% ORtg DRtg GmSc BPM
112024-11-0125-039OKC@PORW (+23)03:29.266.00035.
222024-11-0225-040OKC@LACW (+13)03:24.000.0000.
332024-11-0425-042OKCORLW (+16)02:420.040.421.
42024-11-0625-044OKC@DENL (-2)Did Not Play
542024-11-0825-046OKCHOUW (+19)03:53.5680.
62024-11-1025-048OKCGSWL (-11)Did Not Play
72024-11-1125-049OKCLACW (+6)Did Not Play
852024-11-1325-051OKCNOPW (+18)03:
962024-11-1525-053OKCPHOW (+16)04:130.022.311.