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1979-80 Regular Season

1979-80 Regular Season Table
Rk G Date Age Tm   Opp   GS MP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% STL% BLK% TOV% USG% ORtg DRtg GmSc
111979-10-1723-095PHI@NJNW (+25)06:00.333.333
221979-10-2023-098PHI@NYKW (+25)04:001.0001.000
331979-10-2423-102PHIINDW (+22)02:001.0641.250
441979-10-2623-104PHINYKW (+11)01:00.000.000
551979-11-0923-118PHI@DETL (-8)02:00.500.500
661979-11-1723-126PHI@CHIL (-3)02:00.500.5001.0
771979-11-2823-137PHIWSBW (+18)04:00.250.250
881979-12-0823-147PHIPHOW (+21)08:00.333.3331.6
991979-12-1223-151PHIMILW (+21)06:00.200.200
10101979-12-1523-154PHI@ATLL (-16)011:00.500.500
11111979-12-1923-158PHI@BOSL (-23)05:00.000.000-1.1
12121980-01-1123-181PHIWSBW (+13)03:00.694.500
13131980-01-1323-183PHINYKW (+14)01:00
14141980-01-2323-193PHI@DENW (+25)09:00.200.2003.3
15151980-01-2523-195PHI@LALL (-21)01:000.0
16161980-01-3023-200PHIDETW (+13)010:00.512.500
17171980-02-0623-207PHI@BOSL (-19)01:001.0001.000
18181980-02-0823-209PHISEAL (-15)04:00.000.000
19191980-03-1423-244PHI@INDL (-10)01:00
20201980-03-1723-247PHIDETW (+14)06:00.333.333
Rk G Date Age Tm   Opp   GS MP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% STL% BLK% TOV% USG% ORtg DRtg GmSc
21211980-03-2123-251PHINJNW (+9)05:00.000.000
22221980-03-2323-253PHINYKW (+4)09:00.500.500
23231980-03-3023-260PHIBOSW (+6)023:00.381.2861.6

1980 Playoffs

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