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2014-15 Regular Season

2014-15 Regular Season Table
Rk G Date Age Tm   Opp   GS MP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% STL% BLK% TOV% USG% ORtg DRtg GmSc BPM
12014-10-2931-289MIN@MEML (-4)Inactive
22014-10-3031-290MINDETW (+6)Inactive
32014-11-0131-292MINCHIL (-1)Inactive
42014-11-0531-296MIN@BRKW (+7)Inactive
52014-11-0731-298MIN@ORLL (-9)Inactive
62014-11-0831-299MIN@MIAL (-10)Did Not Play
712014-11-1231-303MINHOUL (-12)09:390.
822014-11-1431-305MIN@NOPL (-48)09:430.
92014-11-1531-306MIN@DALL (-14)Inactive
102014-11-1931-310MINNYKW (+16)Inactive
112014-11-2131-312MINSASL (-29)Inactive
122014-11-2231-313MINSACL (-12)Inactive
132014-11-2631-317MINMILL (-17)Inactive
142014-11-2831-319MIN@LALW (+1)Inactive
152014-11-3031-321MIN@PORL (-14)Inactive
162014-12-0131-322MIN@LACL (-26)Inactive
172014-12-0331-324MINPHIL (-8)Inactive
182014-12-0531-326MINHOUL (-2)Inactive
192014-12-0631-327MIN@SASL (-22)Inactive
202014-12-0831-329MINGSWL (-16)Inactive
Rk G Date Age Tm   Opp   GS MP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% STL% BLK% TOV% USG% ORtg DRtg GmSc BPM
212014-12-1031-331MINPORW (+8)Inactive
222014-12-1231-333MINOKCL (-19)Inactive
232014-12-1431-335MINLALL (-6)Inactive
242014-12-1631-337MIN@WASL (-14)Inactive
252014-12-1931-340MIN@BOSL (-16)Inactive
262014-12-2131-342PHI@ORLW (+8)Not With Team