Per Game

Per Game Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1946-47 25 PHW BAA PF 60 7.9 26.0 .305 7.3 10.0 .730 0.4 3.3 23.2
1947-48 26 PHW BAA PF 43 7.6 29.3 .259 6.9 9.1 .762 0.6 3.8 22.1
1948-49 27 PHW BAA PF 60 8.8 28.2 .313 8.4 10.6 .787 1.2 4.4 26.0
1949-50 28 PHW NBA PF 68 4.9 17.8 .278 4.3 6.2 .696 0.8 3.5 14.2
1950-51 29 PHW NBA PF 66 6.5 20.6 .316 5.7 6.7 .855 7.9 1.8 3.7 18.7 AS,NBA2
1951-52 30 PHW NBA PF 61 31.2 5.5 17.7 .312 4.1 5.0 .825 6.0 2.0 4.2 15.1 AS
1952-53 31 PHW NBA PF 70 29.8 4.7 13.7 .346 2.4 3.3 .727 5.5 2.0 4.6 11.9
1953-54 32 PHW NBA PF 61 8.2 1.0 3.8 .266 0.5 0.8 .571 1.7 0.5 1.5 2.5
8 Yrs 489 23.4 5.8 19.1 .302 4.8 6.3 .766 5.3 1.2 3.6 16.4
NBA (5 Yrs) 326 23.4 4.6 14.8 .309 3.4 4.4 .772 5.3 1.4 3.5 12.6
BAA (3 Yrs) 163 8.2 27.6 .295 7.6 10.0 .760 0.8 3.8 23.9
Per Game Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1946-47 25 PHW BAA PF 10 7.4 25.7 .288 7.4 9.4 .787 0.3 3.2 22.2
1947-48 26 PHW BAA PF 13 7.1 29.2 .242 7.5 9.3 .810 0.2 4.2 21.7
1948-49 27 PHW BAA PF 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
1949-50 28 PHW NBA PF 2 2.5 13.0 .192 2.5 5.0 .500 1.0 5.0 7.5
1950-51 29 PHW NBA PF 2 8.0 24.5 .327 10.0 13.5 .741 8.0 0.5 4.5 26.0
1951-52 30 PHW NBA PF 3 23.3 1.7 11.0 .152 2.3 3.0 .778 4.0 0.7 4.3 5.7
6 Yrs 31 23.3 6.2 24.0 .258 6.6 8.4 .782 5.6 0.4 3.9 19.0
BAA (3 Yrs) 24 6.9 26.5 .261 7.2 9.0 .800 0.3 3.7 21.0
NBA (3 Yrs) 7 23.3 3.7 15.4 .241 4.6 6.6 .696 5.6 0.7 4.6 12.0
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Highlight In Stathead
Career high, Points63View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Rebounds16View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Assists7View full stats from top 20 games

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Totals Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Trp-Dbl Awards
1946-47 25 PHW BAA PF 60 475 1557 .305 439 601 .730 25 199 1389 0
1947-48 26 PHW BAA PF 43 326 1258 .259 297 390 .762 26 162 949 0
1948-49 27 PHW BAA PF 60 529 1689 .313 502 638 .787 74 262 1560 0
1949-50 28 PHW NBA PF 68 336 1209 .278 293 421 .696 56 240 965 0
1950-51 29 PHW NBA PF 66 429 1358 .316 378 442 .855 523 117 247 1236 0 AS,NBA2
1951-52 30 PHW NBA PF 61 1904 336 1078 .312 250 303 .825 368 123 255 922 0 AS
1952-53 31 PHW NBA PF 70 2085 332 960 .346 168 231 .727 387 138 319 832 0
1953-54 32 PHW NBA PF 61 501 61 229 .266 28 49 .571 101 28 90 150 0
8 Yrs 489 4490 2824 9338 .302 2355 3075 .766 1379 587 1774 8003 0
NBA (5 Yrs) 326 4490 1494 4834 .309 1117 1446 .772 1379 462 1151 4105 0
BAA (3 Yrs) 163 1330 4504 .295 1238 1629 .760 125 623 3898 0
Totals Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Trp-Dbl Awards
1946-47 25 PHW BAA PF 10 74 257 .288 74 94 .787 3 32 222 0
1947-48 26 PHW BAA PF 13 92 380 .242 98 121 .810 3 55 282 0
1948-49 27 PHW BAA PF 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1949-50 28 PHW NBA PF 2 5 26 .192 5 10 .500 2 10 15 0
1950-51 29 PHW NBA PF 2 16 49 .327 20 27 .741 16 1 9 52 0
1951-52 30 PHW NBA PF 3 70 5 33 .152 7 9 .778 12 2 13 17 0
6 Yrs 31 70 192 745 .258 204 261 .782 28 11 120 588 0
BAA (3 Yrs) 24 166 637 .261 172 215 .800 6 88 504 0
NBA (3 Yrs) 7 70 26 108 .241 32 46 .696 28 5 32 84 0
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Per 36 Minutes

Per 36 Minutes Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1946-47 25 PHW BAA PF 60 .305 .730
1947-48 26 PHW BAA PF 43 .259 .762
1948-49 27 PHW BAA PF 60 .313 .787
1949-50 28 PHW NBA PF 68 .278 .696
1950-51 29 PHW NBA PF 66 .316 .855 AS,NBA2
1951-52 30 PHW NBA PF 61 1904 6.4 20.4 .312 4.7 5.7 .825 7.0 2.3 4.8 17.4 AS
1952-53 31 PHW NBA PF 70 2085 5.7 16.6 .346 2.9 4.0 .727 6.7 2.4 5.5 14.4
1953-54 32 PHW NBA PF 61 501 4.4 16.5 .266 2.0 3.5 .571 7.3 2.0 6.5 10.8
8 Yrs 489 4490 5.8 74.9 .302 18.9 24.7 .766 6.9 2.3 14.2 64.2
Game Avg 489 5.8 74.9 .302 18.9 24.7 .766 2.3 14.2 64.2
NBA (5 Yrs) 326 4490 5.8 38.8 .309 9.0 11.6 .772 6.9 2.3 9.2 32.9
BAA (3 Yrs) 163 .295 .760
Per 36 Minutes Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1946-47 25 PHW BAA PF 10 .288 .787
1947-48 26 PHW BAA PF 13 .242 .810
1948-49 27 PHW BAA PF 1
1949-50 28 PHW NBA PF 2 .192 .500
1950-51 29 PHW NBA PF 2 .327 .741
1951-52 30 PHW NBA PF 3 70 2.6 17.0 .152 3.6 4.6 .778 6.2 1.0 6.7 8.7
6 Yrs 31 70 2.6 383.1 .258 104.9 134.2 .782 6.2 1.0 61.7 302.4
Game Avg 31 2.6 383.1 .258 104.9 134.2 .782 1.0 61.7 302.4
BAA (3 Yrs) 24 .261 .800
NBA (3 Yrs) 7 70 2.6 55.5 .241 16.5 23.7 .696 6.2 1.0 16.5 43.2


Advanced Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP PER TS% FTr OWS DWS WS WS/48 Awards
1946-47 25 PHW BAA PF 60 .381 .386 13.0 3.3 16.3
1947-48 26 PHW BAA PF 43 .332 .310 2.2 3.8 6.0
1948-49 27 PHW BAA PF 60 .396 .378 4.2 3.4 7.7
1949-50 28 PHW NBA PF 68 .346 .348 -4.4 3.7 -0.8
1950-51 29 PHW NBA PF 66 .398 .325 -0.2 4.5 4.3 AS,NBA2
1951-52 30 PHW NBA PF 61 1904 11.9 .381 .281 -2.5 0.7 -1.8 -0.045 AS
1952-53 31 PHW NBA PF 70 2085 11.6 .392 .241 -1.8 1.2 -0.6 -0.015
1953-54 32 PHW NBA PF 61 501 3.8 .299 .214 -2.2 0.4 -1.8 -0.171
8 Yrs 489 4490 10.9 .374 .329 8.3 20.9 29.2 -0.045
NBA (5 Yrs) 326 4490 10.9 .375 .299 -11.1 10.4 -0.7 -0.045
BAA (3 Yrs) 163 .373 .362 19.4 10.5 30.0
Advanced Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP PER TS% FTr AST% OWS DWS WS WS/48 Awards
1946-47 25 PHW BAA PF 10 .372 .366 1.9 0.3 2.3
1947-48 26 PHW BAA PF 13 .325 .318 0.2 1.7 1.9
1948-49 27 PHW BAA PF 1 0.0 0.0 0.0
1949-50 28 PHW NBA PF 2 .247 .385 -0.4 0.1 -0.3
1950-51 29 PHW NBA PF 2 .427 .551 0.0 0.0 0.1
1951-52 30 PHW NBA PF 3 70 -3.7 .230 .273 5.7 -0.5 0.0 -0.6 -0.398
6 Yrs 31 70 -3.7 .342 .350 5.7 1.2 2.2 3.4 -0.398
BAA (3 Yrs) 24 .344 .338 2.2 2.1 4.2
NBA (3 Yrs) 7 70 -3.7 .328 .426 5.7 -0.9 0.1 -0.8 -0.398

Playoffs Series

College Stats

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where was Joe Fulks born?

Joe Fulks was born in Birmingham, Kentucky.

When was Joe Fulks born?

Joe Fulks was born on October 26, 1921.

How tall was Joe Fulks?

Joe Fulks was 6-5 (196 cm) tall.

How much did Joe Fulks weigh when playing?

Joe Fulks weighed 190 lbs (86 kg) when playing.

Is Joe Fulks in the Hall of Fame?

Joe Fulks was inducted to the Hall of Fame as a Player in 1978 (Full List) .

What position did Joe Fulks play?

Power Forward.

When did Joe Fulks retire?

Joe Fulks last played in 1954.

What did Joe Fulks average?

Joe Fulks averaged 16.4 points, 2.8 rebounds, and 1.2 assists per game.

How many rings does Joe Fulks have?

Joe Fulks won one championship.

What schools did Joe Fulks attend?

Joe Fulks attended Marshall County in Benton, Kentucky, Kuttawa in Kuttawa, Kentucky, Millsaps College and Murray State.

What are Joe Fulks' nicknames?

Jumpin' Joe, The Kuttawa Clipper are nicknames for Joe Fulks.

Name + "Statistics" Translations

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