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1992-93 Regular Season

1992-93 Regular Season Table
Rk G Date Age Tm   Opp   GS MP TS% eFG% ORB% DRB% TRB% AST% STL% BLK% TOV% USG% ORtg DRtg GmSc BPM
111992-12-3034-014DETWSBW (+8)03:
221993-01-0234-017DET@ORLW (+1)04:00.000.0000.026.715.
331993-01-0634-021DETLACW (+7)01:
441993-01-0834-023DETATLL (-9)06:001.0001.00018.20.09.525.
551993-01-0934-024DETGSWL (-4)06:001.0001.0000.044.416.
661993-01-1134-026DETSASL (-18)04:0021.127.323.
771993-01-1334-028DETDALW (+16)05:00.000.00020.434.328.
881993-01-1434-029DET@ATLL (-17)010:00.258.33348.010.728.
991993-01-1634-031DET@PHIL (-15)012:00.694.50013.620.
10101993-01-1934-034DET@DALL (-10)03:001.0001.0000.
11111993-01-2234-037DET@SASL (-14)01: