Per Game

Per Game Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1964-65 22 CIN NBA C 39 7.4 1.1 4.0 .265 0.2 0.8 .300 2.6 0.3 1.5 2.3
1965-66 23 CIN NBA C 47 5.9 1.1 2.9 .391 0.6 0.9 .643 2.1 0.4 1.2 2.9
1966-67 24 2TM NBA C 55 10.4 1.5 4.3 .363 1.1 1.6 .674 3.7 0.3 1.7 4.1
1966-67 24 CIN NBA C 12 10.4 0.7 3.4 .195 1.1 1.3 .813 3.6 0.0 1.6 2.4
1966-67 24 CHI NBA C 43 10.4 1.8 4.5 .399 1.0 1.6 .643 3.8 0.3 1.7 4.6
1967-68 25 SEA NBA C 77 16.1 2.3 6.5 .359 1.4 2.0 .703 6.1 0.7 2.8 6.1
1968-69 26 2TM NBA C 79 23.4 3.4 8.4 .410 1.9 3.0 .651 9.1 1.4 2.9 8.8
1968-69 26 PHO NBA C 41 31.6 4.7 11.7 .397 2.3 3.7 .616 12.3 1.9 3.5 11.6
1968-69 26 PHI NBA C 38 14.5 2.1 4.8 .445 1.6 2.2 .714 5.7 0.8 2.3 5.8
1969-70 27 PHI NBA C 67 12.5 1.8 4.5 .388 1.8 2.6 .709 4.7 0.8 2.2 5.3
1970-71 28 BUF NBA PF 46 15.5 2.0 5.8 .342 1.2 1.5 .812 5.0 1.0 2.2 5.2
7 Yrs 410 14.1 2.1 5.5 .372 1.3 1.9 .677 5.2 0.7 2.2 5.4
CIN (3 Yrs) 98 7.0 1.1 3.4 .308 0.5 0.9 .557 2.5 0.3 1.4 2.6
PHI (2 Yrs) 105 13.2 1.9 4.6 .409 1.7 2.4 .711 5.1 0.8 2.2 5.5
SEA (1 Yr) 77 16.1 2.3 6.5 .359 1.4 2.0 .703 6.1 0.7 2.8 6.1
BUF (1 Yr) 46 15.5 2.0 5.8 .342 1.2 1.5 .812 5.0 1.0 2.2 5.2
CHI (1 Yr) 43 10.4 1.8 4.5 .399 1.0 1.6 .643 3.8 0.3 1.7 4.6
PHO (1 Yr) 41 31.6 4.7 11.7 .397 2.3 3.7 .616 12.3 1.9 3.5 11.6
Per Game Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1964-65 22 CIN NBA C 2 1.5 0.5 0.5 1.000 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0
1965-66 23 CIN NBA C 1 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.000 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
1966-67 24 CHI NBA C 2 13.5 1.0 4.5 .222 1.5 3.0 .500 4.5 0.0 2.5 3.5
1968-69 26 PHI NBA C 5 9.0 0.0 1.4 .000 0.6 0.8 .750 3.6 1.6 1.8 0.6
1969-70 27 PHI NBA C 2 11.5 2.0 6.5 .308 0.5 0.5 1.000 6.0 0.5 2.0 4.5
5 Yrs 12 8.4 0.7 2.6 .258 0.6 0.9 .636 3.5 0.8 1.7 1.9
PHI (2 Yrs) 7 9.7 0.6 2.9 .200 0.6 0.7 .800 4.3 1.3 1.9 1.7
CIN (2 Yrs) 3 2.0 0.7 0.7 1.000 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.7 1.3
CHI (1 Yr) 2 13.5 1.0 4.5 .222 1.5 3.0 .500 4.5 0.0 2.5 3.5
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Career high, Points33View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Rebounds24View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Assists6View full stats from top 20 games

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Totals Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Trp-Dbl Awards
1964-65 22 CIN NBA C 39 288 41 155 .265 9 30 .300 102 11 59 91 0
1965-66 23 CIN NBA C 47 276 54 138 .391 27 42 .643 98 17 56 135 0
1966-67 24 2TM NBA C 55 573 85 234 .363 58 86 .674 206 15 92 228 0
1966-67 24 CIN NBA C 12 125 8 41 .195 13 16 .813 43 0 19 29 0
1966-67 24 CHI NBA C 43 448 77 193 .399 45 70 .643 163 15 73 199 0
1967-68 25 SEA NBA C 77 1236 179 498 .359 109 155 .703 470 56 218 467 0
1968-69 26 2TM NBA C 79 1846 272 663 .410 153 235 .651 721 108 232 697 0
1968-69 26 PHO NBA C 41 1294 191 481 .397 93 151 .616 505 76 145 475 0
1968-69 26 PHI NBA C 38 552 81 182 .445 60 84 .714 216 32 87 222 0
1969-70 27 PHI NBA C 67 836 118 304 .388 122 172 .709 317 52 145 358 0
1970-71 28 BUF NBA PF 46 713 92 269 .342 56 69 .812 230 48 99 240 0
7 Yrs 410 5768 841 2261 .372 534 789 .677 2144 307 901 2216 0
CIN (3 Yrs) 98 689 103 334 .308 49 88 .557 243 28 134 255 0
PHI (2 Yrs) 105 1388 199 486 .409 182 256 .711 533 84 232 580 0
SEA (1 Yr) 77 1236 179 498 .359 109 155 .703 470 56 218 467 0
BUF (1 Yr) 46 713 92 269 .342 56 69 .812 230 48 99 240 0
CHI (1 Yr) 43 448 77 193 .399 45 70 .643 163 15 73 199 0
PHO (1 Yr) 41 1294 191 481 .397 93 151 .616 505 76 145 475 0
Totals Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Trp-Dbl Awards
1964-65 22 CIN NBA C 2 3 1 1 1.000 0 0 2 1 1 2 0
1965-66 23 CIN NBA C 1 3 1 1 1.000 0 0 1 0 1 2 0
1966-67 24 CHI NBA C 2 27 2 9 .222 3 6 .500 9 0 5 7 0
1968-69 26 PHI NBA C 5 45 0 7 .000 3 4 .750 18 8 9 3 0
1969-70 27 PHI NBA C 2 23 4 13 .308 1 1 1.000 12 1 4 9 0
5 Yrs 12 101 8 31 .258 7 11 .636 42 10 20 23 0
PHI (2 Yrs) 7 68 4 20 .200 4 5 .800 30 9 13 12 0
CIN (2 Yrs) 3 6 2 2 1.000 0 0 3 1 2 4 0
CHI (1 Yr) 2 27 2 9 .222 3 6 .500 9 0 5 7 0
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Per 36 Minutes

Per 36 Minutes Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1964-65 22 CIN NBA C 39 288 5.1 19.4 .265 1.1 3.7 .300 12.7 1.4 7.4 11.4
1965-66 23 CIN NBA C 47 276 7.0 18.0 .391 3.5 5.5 .643 12.8 2.2 7.3 17.6
1966-67 24 2TM NBA C 55 573 5.3 14.7 .363 3.6 5.4 .674 12.9 0.9 5.8 14.3
1966-67 24 CIN NBA C 12 125 2.3 11.8 .195 3.7 4.6 .813 12.4 0.0 5.5 8.4
1966-67 24 CHI NBA C 43 448 6.2 15.5 .399 3.6 5.6 .643 13.1 1.2 5.9 16.0
1967-68 25 SEA NBA C 77 1236 5.2 14.5 .359 3.2 4.5 .703 13.7 1.6 6.3 13.6
1968-69 26 2TM NBA C 79 1846 5.3 12.9 .410 3.0 4.6 .651 14.1 2.1 4.5 13.6
1968-69 26 PHO NBA C 41 1294 5.3 13.4 .397 2.6 4.2 .616 14.0 2.1 4.0 13.2
1968-69 26 PHI NBA C 38 552 5.3 11.9 .445 3.9 5.5 .714 14.1 2.1 5.7 14.5
1969-70 27 PHI NBA C 67 836 5.1 13.1 .388 5.3 7.4 .709 13.7 2.2 6.2 15.4
1970-71 28 BUF NBA PF 46 713 4.6 13.6 .342 2.8 3.5 .812 11.6 2.4 5.0 12.1
7 Yrs 410 5768 5.2 14.1 .372 3.3 4.9 .677 13.4 1.9 5.6 13.8
Game Avg 410 5768 5.2 14.1 .372 3.3 4.9 .677 13.4 1.9 5.6 13.8
CIN (3 Yrs) 98 689 5.4 17.5 .308 2.6 4.6 .557 12.7 1.5 7.0 13.3
PHI (2 Yrs) 105 1388 5.2 12.6 .409 4.7 6.6 .711 13.8 2.2 6.0 15.0
SEA (1 Yr) 77 1236 5.2 14.5 .359 3.2 4.5 .703 13.7 1.6 6.3 13.6
BUF (1 Yr) 46 713 4.6 13.6 .342 2.8 3.5 .812 11.6 2.4 5.0 12.1
CHI (1 Yr) 43 448 6.2 15.5 .399 3.6 5.6 .643 13.1 1.2 5.9 16.0
PHO (1 Yr) 41 1294 5.3 13.4 .397 2.6 4.2 .616 14.0 2.1 4.0 13.2
Per 36 Minutes Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1964-65 22 CIN NBA C 2 3 12.0 12.0 1.000 0.0 0.0 24.0 12.0 12.0 24.0
1965-66 23 CIN NBA C 1 3 12.0 12.0 1.000 0.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 12.0 24.0
1966-67 24 CHI NBA C 2 27 2.7 12.0 .222 4.0 8.0 .500 12.0 0.0 6.7 9.3
1968-69 26 PHI NBA C 5 45 0.0 5.6 .000 2.4 3.2 .750 14.4 6.4 7.2 2.4
1969-70 27 PHI NBA C 2 23 6.3 20.3 .308 1.6 1.6 1.000 18.8 1.6 6.3 14.1
5 Yrs 12 101 2.9 11.0 .258 2.5 3.9 .636 15.0 3.6 7.1 8.2
Game Avg 12 101 2.9 11.0 .258 2.5 3.9 .636 15.0 3.6 7.1 8.2
PHI (2 Yrs) 7 68 2.1 10.6 .200 2.1 2.6 .800 15.9 4.8 6.9 6.4
CIN (2 Yrs) 3 6 12.0 12.0 1.000 0.0 0.0 18.0 6.0 12.0 24.0
CHI (1 Yr) 2 27 2.7 12.0 .222 4.0 8.0 .500 12.0 0.0 6.7 9.3


Advanced Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP PER TS% FTr TRB% AST% OWS DWS WS WS/48 Awards
1964-65 22 CIN NBA C 39 288 2.6 .271 .194 5.0 -1.6 0.2 -1.4 -0.236
1965-66 23 CIN NBA C 47 276 12.4 .431 .304 8.3 -0.1 0.2 0.1 .015
1966-67 24 2TM NBA C 55 573 10.5 .419 .368 3.5 -0.5 0.7 0.2 .014
1966-67 24 CIN NBA C 12 125 3.9 .302 .390 0.0 -0.4 0.1 -0.3 -0.120
1966-67 24 CHI NBA C 43 448 12.3 .445 .363 4.5 -0.1 0.6 0.5 .051
1967-68 25 SEA NBA C 77 1236 10.0 .412 .311 5.6 -1.4 0.8 -0.6 -0.023
1968-69 26 2TM NBA C 79 1846 13.2 .455 .354 7.7 0.1 1.3 1.4 .037
1968-69 26 PHO NBA C 41 1294 12.6 .434 .314 7.9 -0.6 0.5 0.0 -0.001
1968-69 26 PHI NBA C 38 552 14.5 .507 .462 7.2 0.6 0.8 1.5 .128
1969-70 27 PHI NBA C 67 836 12.9 .471 .566 7.3 0.0 1.2 1.2 .071
1970-71 28 BUF NBA PF 46 713 10.2 .401 .257 14.7 9.2 -1.0 0.6 -0.4 -0.029
7 Yrs 410 5768 11.3 .425 .349 14.7 6.8 -4.6 5.0 0.5 .004
CIN (3 Yrs) 98 689 6.8 .342 .263 5.4 -2.1 0.5 -1.6 -0.114
PHI (2 Yrs) 105 1388 13.6 .484 .527 7.3 0.7 2.0 2.7 .093
SEA (1 Yr) 77 1236 10.0 .412 .311 5.6 -1.4 0.8 -0.6 -0.023
BUF (1 Yr) 46 713 10.2 .401 .257 14.7 9.2 -1.0 0.6 -0.4 -0.029
CHI (1 Yr) 43 448 12.3 .445 .363 4.5 -0.1 0.6 0.5 .051
PHO (1 Yr) 41 1294 12.6 .434 .314 7.9 -0.6 0.5 0.0 -0.001
Advanced Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP PER TS% FTr AST% OWS DWS WS WS/48 Awards
1964-65 22 CIN NBA C 2 3 40.0 1.000 .000 63.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 .501
1965-66 23 CIN NBA C 1 3 25.7 1.000 .000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .493
1966-67 24 CHI NBA C 2 27 3.6 .301 .667 0.0 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.173
1968-69 26 PHI NBA C 5 45 7.1 .171 .571 20.9 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.138
1969-70 27 PHI NBA C 2 23 9.9 .335 .077 5.3 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.213
5 Yrs 12 101 8.3 .321 .355 12.4 -0.2 0.0 -0.3 -0.127
PHI (2 Yrs) 7 68 8.1 .270 .250 15.6 -0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.164
CIN (2 Yrs) 3 6 32.9 1.000 .000 31.8 0.1 0.0 0.1 .497
CHI (1 Yr) 2 27 3.6 .301 .667 0.0 -0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.173

College Stats

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors


Frequently Asked Questions

Where was George Wilson born?

George Wilson was born in Meridian, Mississippi.

When was George Wilson born?

George Wilson was born on May 9, 1942.

How tall was George Wilson?

George Wilson was 6-8 (203 cm) tall.

How much did George Wilson weigh when playing?

George Wilson weighed 225 lbs (102 kg) when playing.

Is George Wilson in the Hall of Fame?

George Wilson is not in the Hall of Fame.

When was George Wilson drafted?

George Wilson was drafted by Cincinnati Royals, 1st round (8th pick, 8th overall), 1964 NBA Draft (territorial selection).

What position did George Wilson play?

Center and Power Forward.

When did George Wilson retire?

George Wilson last played in 1971.

What did George Wilson average?

George Wilson averaged 5.4 points, 5.2 rebounds, and 0.7 assists per game.

How many rings does George Wilson have?

George Wilson won 0 championships.

What schools did George Wilson attend?

George Wilson attended Marshall in Chicago, Illinois and Cincinnati.

What are George Wilson's nicknames?

Jiff is a nickname for George Wilson.

Name + "Statistics" Translations

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