8 Coaches

  • Statistics shown are while coach was with franchise
8 Coaches Table
Regular Season Playoffs
Rk Coach From To Yrs G W L W/L% W > .500 Plyfs G W L W/L% Conf Champ
1Jeff Bower201020101733439.466-2.5
2Tim Floyd200420041824141.5000.01734.42900
3Alvin Gentry201620205400175225.438-25.01954.55600
4Willie Green202220254311144167.463-11.521028.20000
5Byron Scott200520106419203216.484-6.521789.47100
6Paul Silas200320031824735.5736.01624.33300
7Stan Van Gundy202120211723141.431-5.0
8Monty Williams201120155394173221.439-24.021028.20000