Recent Game Results

Height of bar is margin of victory • Mouseover bar for details • Click for box score • Grouped by Month


Roster Table
No. Player Pos Ht Wt Birth Date Birth Exp College
12Vince BorylaSF6-5210March 11, 1927us US2Notre Dame, Denver
8Nat CliftonPF6-6220October 13, 1922us US1Xavier University of Louisiana
11Harry GallatinPF6-6210April 26, 1927us US3Truman State University
6, 17George KaftanSF6-3190February 22, 1928us US3Holy Cross
7Ray LumppSG6-1178July 11, 1923us US3NYU
3, 16Al McGuirePG6-2180September 7, 1928us USRSt. John's
15Dick McGuirePG6-0180January 25, 1926us US2St. John's, Dartmouth College
19, 22Herb SchererC6-9212December 21, 1928us US1Long Island University
18Connie SimmonsC6-8222March 15, 1925us US5
9Ernie VandewegheSF6-3195September 12, 1928ca CA2Colgate
10Max ZaslofskySG6-2170December 7, 1925us US5St. John's

Team and Opponent Stats

  • Ranks are per game (except for MP, which are total) and sorted descending (except for TOV and PF); opponents ranked are flipped; year/year calculations are also per game

Team Misc

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Per Game

Per Game Table
Rk Player Age Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1 Vince Boryla 24 SF 42 34.3 4.8 12.4 .387 2.3 2.7 .835 5.2 2.1 2.9 11.9
2 Nat Clifton 29 PF 62 33.9 3.9 11.8 .335 2.7 4.1 .664 11.8 3.4 3.7 10.6
3 Max Zaslofsky 26 SG 66 32.0 4.9 14.5 .336 4.3 5.8 .755 2.9 2.4 2.8 14.1 AS
4 Dick McGuire 26 PG 64 31.5 3.2 7.4 .430 2.9 4.5 .631 5.2 6.1 2.8 9.2 AS
5 Harry Gallatin 24 PF 66 29.3 3.5 8.0 .442 4.2 5.2 .806 10.0 1.7 3.4 11.2 AS
6 Ernie Vandeweghe 23 SF 57 26.4 3.5 8.0 .438 2.2 2.8 .775 4.6 2.9 3.3 9.2
7 Connie Simmons 26 C 66 23.6 3.4 9.1 .378 2.7 3.8 .689 7.1 1.8 3.2 9.5
8 Ray Lumpp 28 SG 62 21.2 3.0 7.7 .387 1.5 1.9 .756 2.0 2.0 2.7 7.4
9 George Kaftan 23 SF 52 18.4 2.2 5.9 .375 1.8 2.6 .687 3.8 1.7 2.1 6.2
10 Herb Scherer 23 C 12 13.9 1.6 5.4 .292 0.8 1.2 .643 2.2 0.5 2.1 3.9
11 Al McGuire 23 PG 59 13.4 1.2 2.8 .431 1.1 2.1 .525 2.1 1.8 2.3 3.5
Team Totals 66 26.1 30.6 80.0 .383 23.7 33.1 .716 58.1 23.7 26.8 85.0
Per Game Table
Rk Player Age Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1 Dick McGuire 26 PG 14 39.0 3.4 7.6 .449 3.5 6.1 .570 5.1 6.4 3.3 10.4
2 Max Zaslofsky 26 SG 14 36.1 4.9 13.2 .373 6.4 7.9 .809 3.1 1.6 3.6 16.2
3 Harry Gallatin 24 PF 14 33.6 3.6 8.7 .410 3.6 4.7 .773 9.6 1.4 3.2 10.8
4 Nat Clifton 29 PF 14 33.0 2.8 9.5 .293 3.9 5.4 .711 9.5 2.4 4.8 9.4
5 Connie Simmons 26 C 14 30.5 5.5 11.9 .464 4.9 6.4 .764 7.7 0.9 3.9 15.9
6 Ernie Vandeweghe 23 SF 14 29.6 3.6 8.4 .432 3.5 4.3 .817 4.9 1.9 4.1 10.8
7 George Kaftan 23 SF 13 17.8 2.0 5.1 .394 2.2 3.2 .667 2.3 1.7 3.2 6.2
8 Ray Lumpp 28 SG 12 16.2 1.1 4.4 .245 1.9 2.1 .920 1.6 1.3 2.9 4.1
9 Al McGuire 23 PG 13 16.0 1.5 3.9 .392 1.5 2.1 .741 1.3 1.1 2.6 4.6
Team Totals 28 240.0 30.3 8.2 .393 34.0 47.5 .742 5.1 2.1 34.3 94.5

Per 36 Minutes

Per 36 Minutes Table
Rk Player Age Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1 Max Zaslofsky 26 SG 66 2113 5.5 16.3 .336 4.9 6.5 .755 3.3 2.7 3.1 15.9 AS
2 Nat Clifton 29 PF 62 2101 4.2 12.5 .335 2.9 4.4 .664 12.5 3.6 3.9 11.3
3 Dick McGuire 26 PG 64 2018 3.6 8.5 .430 3.3 5.2 .631 5.9 6.9 3.2 10.5 AS
4 Harry Gallatin 24 PF 66 1931 4.3 9.8 .442 5.1 6.4 .806 12.3 2.1 4.2 13.8 AS
5 Connie Simmons 26 C 66 1558 5.2 13.9 .378 4.0 5.9 .689 10.9 2.8 4.9 14.5
6 Ernie Vandeweghe 23 SF 57 1507 4.8 10.9 .438 3.0 3.8 .775 6.3 3.9 4.5 12.5
7 Vince Boryla 24 SF 42 1440 5.0 13.1 .387 2.4 2.9 .835 5.5 2.3 3.0 12.5
8 Ray Lumpp 28 SG 62 1317 5.0 13.0 .387 2.5 3.3 .756 3.4 3.4 4.5 12.5
9 George Kaftan 23 SF 52 955 4.3 11.6 .375 3.5 5.1 .687 7.4 3.3 4.0 12.1
10 Al McGuire 23 PG 59 788 3.3 7.6 .431 2.9 5.6 .525 5.5 4.9 6.2 9.5
11 Herb Scherer 23 C 12 167 4.1 14.0 .292 1.9 3.0 .643 5.6 1.3 5.4 10.1
Per 36 Minutes Table
Rk Player Age Pos G MP FG FGA FG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST PF PTS Awards
1 Dick McGuire 26 PG 14 546 3.2 7.1 .449 3.2 5.7 .570 4.7 5.9 3.0 9.6
2 Max Zaslofsky 26 SG 14 506 4.9 13.2 .373 6.3 7.8 .809 3.1 1.6 3.6 16.2
3 Harry Gallatin 24 PF 14 471 3.8 9.3 .410 3.9 5.0 .773 10.2 1.5 3.4 11.5
4 Nat Clifton 29 PF 14 462 3.0 10.4 .293 4.2 5.9 .711 10.4 2.6 5.2 10.3
5 Connie Simmons 26 C 14 427 6.5 14.0 .464 5.7 7.5 .764 9.1 1.0 4.6 18.7
6 Ernie Vandeweghe 23 SF 14 414 4.4 10.3 .432 4.3 5.2 .817 6.0 2.3 5.0 13.1
7 George Kaftan 23 SF 13 232 4.0 10.2 .394 4.3 6.5 .667 4.7 3.4 6.4 12.4
8 Al McGuire 23 PG 13 208 3.5 8.8 .392 3.5 4.7 .741 2.9 2.4 5.9 10.4
9 Ray Lumpp 28 SG 12 194 2.4 9.8 .245 4.3 4.6 .920 3.5 2.8 6.5 9.1

Players on League Leaderboards

  • Qualified players in the top 20  ·  Includes full-season stats for all players who saw court time during the regular season or playoffs.