9 Coaches

  • Statistics shown are while coach was with franchise
9 Coaches Table
Regular Season Playoffs
Rk Coach From To Yrs G W L W/L% W > .500 Plyfs G W L W/L% Conf Champ
1Elgin Baylor19751979422186135.389-24.5
2Tyrone Corbin201120144258112146.434-17.01404.00000
3Will Hardy20232025323383150.356-33.5
4Frank Layden198219898571277294.485-8.55411823.43900
5Tom Nissalke19801982318460124.326-32.0
6Scotty Robertson19751975115114.067-6.5
7Jerry Sloan198920112318091127682.623222.51919696100.49020
8Quin Snyder201520228636372264.58554.06512130.41200
9Butch van Breda Kolff19751977317474100.425-13.0