Franchise Peaks and Valleys
Posted by Neil Paine on January 20, 2011
What was the best run ever for your favorite team? What was the worst stretch of seasons? Let's take a look at the raw numbers in terms of NBA winning percentage over an x-year span (including our regressed 2011 WPcts):
Best & Worst 2 Years
Team | Best 2 Years | Worst 2 Years |
Atlanta Hawks | 1986/1987 (.652) | 2005/2006 (.238) |
Boston Celtics | 1985/1986 (.793) | 1996/1997 (.293) |
Charlotte Bobcats | 2009/2010 (.482) | 2005/2006 (.268) |
Chicago Bulls | 1996/1997 (.860) | 2000/2001 (.195) |
Cleveland Cavaliers | 2009/2010 (.774) | 1982/1983 (.232) |
Dallas Mavericks | 2006/2007 (.774) | 1993/1994 (.146) |
Denver Nuggets | 2009/2010 (.652) | 1998/1999 (.189) |
Detroit Pistons | 1989/1990 (.744) | 1980/1981 (.226) |
Golden State Warriors | 1975/1976 (.652) | 2000/2001 (.220) |
Houston Rockets | 1993/1994 (.689) | 1983/1984 (.262) |
Indiana Pacers | 1998/1999 (.689) | 1983/1984 (.280) |
Los Angeles Clippers | 1975/1976 (.579) | 1987/1988 (.177) |
Los Angeles Lakers | 1972/1973 (.787) | 1958/1959 (.361) |
Memphis Grizzlies | 2004/2005 (.579) | 1996/1997 (.177) |
Miami Heat | 1997/1998 (.707) | 1989/1990 (.201) |
Team | Best 2 Years | Worst 2 Years |
Milwaukee Bucks | 1971/1972 (.787) | 1993/1994 (.293) |
Minnesota Timberwolves | 2003/2004 (.665) | 1992/1993 (.207) |
New Jersey Nets | 2002/2003 (.616) | 2010/2011 (.216) |
New Orleans Hornets | 1997/1998 (.640) | 1989/1990 (.238) |
New York Knicks | 1993/1994 (.713) | 1963/1964 (.269) |
Oklahoma City Thunder | 1995/1996 (.738) | 2008/2009 (.262) |
Orlando Magic | 2009/2010 (.720) | 1990/1991 (.299) |
Philadelphia 76ers | 1967/1968 (.798) | 1973/1974 (.207) |
Phoenix Suns | 1993/1994 (.720) | 1969/1970 (.335) |
Portland Trail Blazers | 1990/1991 (.744) | 1972/1973 (.238) |
Sacramento Kings | 2002/2003 (.732) | 2009/2010 (.256) |
San Antonio Spurs | 2005/2006 (.744) | 1988/1989 (.317) |
Toronto Raptors | 2000/2001 (.561) | 1997/1998 (.280) |
Utah Jazz | 1997/1998 (.768) | 1979/1980 (.305) |
Washington Wizards | 1975/1976 (.659) | 1962/1963 (.269) |
Best & Worst 3 Years
Team | Best 3 Years | Worst 3 Years |
Atlanta Hawks | 1987-1989 (.646) | 2004-2006 (.272) |
Boston Celtics | 1984-1986 (.780) | 1997-1999 (.327) |
Charlotte Bobcats | 2009-2011 (.458) | 2005-2007 (.313) |
Chicago Bulls | 1996-1998 (.825) | 1999-2001 (.210) |
Cleveland Cavaliers | 2008-2010 (.699) | 1981-1983 (.268) |
Dallas Mavericks | 2005-2007 (.752) | 1992-1994 (.187) |
Denver Nuggets | 2008-2010 (.638) | 1997-1999 (.215) |
Detroit Pistons | 1988-1990 (.715) | 1979-1981 (.272) |
Golden State Warriors | 1975-1977 (.622) | 2000-2002 (.232) |
Houston Rockets | 2007-2009 (.650) | 1968-1970 (.321) |
Indiana Pacers | 1998-2000 (.687) | 1983-1985 (.276) |
Los Angeles Clippers | 1974-1976 (.557) | 1998-2000 (.192) |
Los Angeles Lakers | 1985-1987 (.768) | 1958-1960 (.352) |
Memphis Grizzlies | 2004-2006 (.585) | 1997-1999 (.192) |
Miami Heat | 1997-1999 (.696) | 1989-1991 (.232) |
Team | Best 3 Years | Worst 3 Years |
Milwaukee Bucks | 1971-1973 (.768) | 1992-1994 (.321) |
Minnesota Timberwolves | 2002-2004 (.646) | 1992-1994 (.220) |
New Jersey Nets | 2002-2004 (.602) | 1988-1990 (.252) |
New Orleans Hornets | 1997-1999 (.612) | 1989-1991 (.264) |
New York Knicks | 1993-1995 (.699) | 1985-1987 (.289) |
Oklahoma City Thunder | 1994-1996 (.748) | 2007-2009 (.301) |
Orlando Magic | 2008-2010 (.691) | 1990-1992 (.285) |
Philadelphia 76ers | 1966-1968 (.761) | 1972-1974 (.260) |
Phoenix Suns | 1993-1995 (.720) | 1986-1988 (.390) |
Portland Trail Blazers | 1990-1992 (.728) | 1972-1974 (.268) |
Sacramento Kings | 2001-2003 (.711) | 2009-2011 (.255) |
San Antonio Spurs | 2005-2007 (.732) | 1987-1989 (.325) |
Toronto Raptors | 2000-2002 (.545) | 1996-1998 (.272) |
Utah Jazz | 1997-1999 (.762) | 1980-1982 (.313) |
Washington Wizards | 1973-1975 (.646) | 1993-1995 (.272) |
Best & Worst 4 Years
Team | Best 4 Years | Worst 4 Years |
Atlanta Hawks | 1986-1989 (.637) | 2004-2007 (.296) |
Boston Celtics | 1984-1987 (.765) | 1996-1999 (.348) |
Charlotte Bobcats | 2008-2011 (.441) | 2005-2008 (.332) |
Chicago Bulls | 1995-1998 (.762) | 1999-2002 (.223) |
Cleveland Cavaliers | 2007-2010 (.677) | 1981-1984 (.287) |
Dallas Mavericks | 2004-2007 (.723) | 1991-1994 (.226) |
Denver Nuggets | 2008-2011 (.623) | 1996-1999 (.274) |
Detroit Pistons | 2005-2008 (.701) | 1978-1981 (.320) |
Golden State Warriors | 1973-1976 (.604) | 1998-2001 (.257) |
Houston Rockets | 1994-1997 (.640) | 1968-1971 (.363) |
Indiana Pacers | 1998-2001 (.635) | 1983-1986 (.287) |
Los Angeles Clippers | 1974-1977 (.509) | 1998-2001 (.243) |
Los Angeles Lakers | 1985-1988 (.765) | 1958-1961 (.379) |
Memphis Grizzlies | 2003-2006 (.524) | 1996-1999 (.189) |
Miami Heat | 1997-2000 (.679) | 1989-1992 (.290) |
Team | Best 4 Years | Worst 4 Years |
Milwaukee Bucks | 1971-1974 (.756) | 1993-1996 (.326) |
Minnesota Timberwolves | 2001-2004 (.628) | 1992-1995 (.229) |
New Jersey Nets | 2002-2005 (.579) | 1987-1990 (.262) |
New Orleans Hornets | 1997-2000 (.608) | 1989-1992 (.293) |
New York Knicks | 1992-1995 (.680) | 1961-1964 (.292) |
Oklahoma City Thunder | 1994-1997 (.735) | 2006-2009 (.332) |
Orlando Magic | 2008-2011 (.676) | 1990-1993 (.338) |
Philadelphia 76ers | 1980-1983 (.744) | 1994-1997 (.271) |
Phoenix Suns | 2005-2008 (.707) | 1985-1988 (.402) |
Portland Trail Blazers | 1990-1993 (.701) | 1971-1974 (.290) |
Sacramento Kings | 2001-2004 (.701) | 1988-1991 (.302) |
San Antonio Spurs | 2003-2006 (.729) | 1986-1989 (.351) |
Toronto Raptors | 1999-2002 (.530) | 1996-1999 (.304) |
Utah Jazz | 1996-1999 (.736) | 1979-1982 (.314) |
Washington Wizards | 1973-1976 (.631) | 1992-1995 (.280) |
Best & Worst 5 Years
Team | Best 5 Years | Worst 5 Years |
Atlanta Hawks | 1994-1998 (.612) | 2003-2007 (.322) |
Boston Celtics | 1982-1986 (.759) | 1996-2000 (.365) |
Charlotte Bobcats | 2007-2011 (.434) | 2005-2009 (.351) |
Chicago Bulls | 1994-1998 (.744) | 1999-2003 (.254) |
Cleveland Cavaliers | 2006-2010 (.663) | 1981-1985 (.317) |
Dallas Mavericks | 2003-2007 (.724) | 1992-1996 (.263) |
Denver Nuggets | 2007-2011 (.608) | 1996-2000 (.307) |
Detroit Pistons | 2004-2008 (.693) | 1979-1983 (.349) |
Golden State Warriors | 1972-1976 (.607) | 1998-2002 (.257) |
Houston Rockets | 1993-1997 (.646) | 1968-1972 (.373) |
Indiana Pacers | 1996-2000 (.630) | 1982-1986 (.315) |
Los Angeles Clippers | 1975-1979 (.476) | 1987-1991 (.271) |
Los Angeles Lakers | 1986-1990 (.754) | 1956-1960 (.397) |
Memphis Grizzlies | 2002-2006 (.476) | 1996-2000 (.206) |
Miami Heat | 1997-2001 (.664) | 1989-1993 (0.32) |
Team | Best 5 Years | Worst 5 Years |
Milwaukee Bucks | 1970-1974 (.741) | 1992-1996 (.337) |
Minnesota Timberwolves | 2000-2004 (.624) | 1992-1996 (.246) |
New Jersey Nets | 2002-2006 (.583) | 1987-1991 (.273) |
New Orleans Hornets | 1997-2001 (.598) | 1989-1993 (.341) |
New York Knicks | 1993-1997 (.673) | 1960-1964 (.305) |
Oklahoma City Thunder | 1994-1998 (.737) | 2006-2010 (.388) |
Orlando Magic | 2007-2011 (.638) | 1990-1994 (.393) |
Philadelphia 76ers | 1980-1984 (.722) | 1993-1997 (.280) |
Phoenix Suns | 1991-1995 (.695) | 1984-1988 (.422) |
Portland Trail Blazers | 1990-1994 (.676) | 1971-1975 (.324) |
Sacramento Kings | 2001-2005 (.683) | 1987-1991 (.312) |
San Antonio Spurs | 2002-2006 (.724) | 1985-1989 (.380) |
Toronto Raptors | 1999-2003 (.479) | 1996-2000 (.357) |
Utah Jazz | 1995-1999 (.735) | 1979-1983 (.324) |
Washington Wizards | 1973-1977 (.622) | 1991-1995 (.298) |
Best & Worst 6 Years
Team | Best 6 Years | Worst 6 Years |
Atlanta Hawks | 1994-1999 (.613) | 2001-2006 (.325) |
Boston Celtics | 1981-1986 (.758) | 1994-1999 (.370) |
Charlotte Bobcats | 2006-2011 (.414) | 2005-2010 (.382) |
Chicago Bulls | 1992-1997 (.746) | 1999-2004 (.259) |
Cleveland Cavaliers | 2005-2010 (.638) | 1981-1986 (.323) |
Dallas Mavericks | 2002-2007 (.720) | 1993-1998 (.264) |
Denver Nuggets | 2005-2010 (.600) | 1998-2003 (.313) |
Detroit Pistons | 2003-2008 (.679) | 1964-1969 (.367) |
Golden State Warriors | 1972-1977 (.600) | 1997-2002 (.276) |
Houston Rockets | 1992-1997 (.624) | 1968-1973 (.378) |
Indiana Pacers | 1995-2000 (.630) | 1982-1987 (.346) |
Los Angeles Clippers | 1974-1979 (.482) | 1995-2000 (.267) |
Los Angeles Lakers | 1985-1990 (.754) | 1956-1961 (.407) |
Memphis Grizzlies | 2001-2006 (.443) | 1996-2001 (.220) |
Miami Heat | 1996-2001 (.637) | 1989-1994 (.352) |
Team | Best 6 Years | Worst 6 Years |
Milwaukee Bucks | 1970-1975 (.695) | 1992-1997 (.348) |
Minnesota Timberwolves | 1999-2004 (.611) | 1990-1995 (.256) |
New Jersey Nets | 2002-2007 (.569) | 1986-1991 (.307) |
New Orleans Hornets | 1995-2000 (.589) | 1989-1994 (.368) |
New York Knicks | 1992-1997 (.665) | 1960-1965 (.319) |
Oklahoma City Thunder | 1993-1998 (.726) | 2004-2009 (.402) |
Orlando Magic | 1994-1999 (.622) | 1990-1995 (.443) |
Philadelphia 76ers | 1980-1985 (.720) | 1993-1998 (.297) |
Phoenix Suns | 1990-1995 (.689) | 1969-1974 (.447) |
Portland Trail Blazers | 1988-1993 (.654) | 1971-1976 (.346) |
Sacramento Kings | 2000-2005 (.659) | 1988-1993 (.311) |
San Antonio Spurs | 2001-2006 (.722) | 1984-1989 (.392) |
Toronto Raptors | 1999-2004 (.465) | 1996-2001 (.396) |
Utah Jazz | 1995-2000 (.724) | 1978-1983 (.350) |
Washington Wizards | 1974-1979 (.612) | 1990-1995 (.311) |
January 20th, 2011 at 12:10 pm
This is a pretty depressing post.
January 20th, 2011 at 12:31 pm
The Bulls really define both peak and valley for most periods.
January 20th, 2011 at 12:41 pm
Something that jumped out at me: the Clippers have never had a 5-year stretch where they were .500. Of course, neither have the Raptors, Bobcats, or Grizzlies, but at least they have the "semi-recent expansion" excuse. The Clippers have been an NBA franchise since 1971.
January 20th, 2011 at 12:41 pm
The sorting function is a little screwy....
January 20th, 2011 at 12:42 pm
Yeah, it's not going to be able to sort by wpct. Sorry about that.
January 20th, 2011 at 4:54 pm
Separate the year and wpct into different columns?
Also jumped out: the 2, 3, 5, and 6 year best spans for the Suns revolve around the 1993 season, but the 4 year best span is the 2005-08 stretch. Also, how the Suns have never really had a low stretch, and yet, no rings.
January 20th, 2011 at 8:31 pm
Hard to imagine there's been a worse era for the Knicks than the last decade.
January 21st, 2011 at 10:59 am
The two best 4-, 5-, and 6-year teamswer the 1980s Celtics and Lakers. Makes you realize just how epic those matchups were.
January 21st, 2011 at 2:00 pm
Re: #6 - Here's the table with the years and WPct's separate:
January 22nd, 2011 at 4:52 am
NJ Nets best was the Jason Kidd era! :)