Per Game

Per Game Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST TOV PF PTS Awards
1962-63 22 STL NBA SG 77 24.0 3.8 9.2 .417 3.8 9.2 .417 .417 2.4 3.4 .720 3.4 3.3 2.6 10.1
1963-64 23 STL NBA SG 68 19.7 3.5 7.9 .442 3.5 7.9 .442 .442 1.6 2.2 .723 1.9 1.9 2.4 8.6
1964-65 24 STL NBA SG 75 26.2 4.6 10.8 .424 4.6 10.8 .424 .424 2.4 3.2 .752 2.3 2.1 2.6 11.6
1965-66 25 2TM NBA PG 56 21.8 3.3 8.5 .384 3.3 8.5 .384 .384 1.9 2.6 .736 1.9 2.5 1.8 8.4
1965-66 25 STL NBA PG 19 23.4 3.8 10.1 .375 3.8 10.1 .375 .375 2.4 3.3 .742 2.4 1.9 2.1 10.0
1965-66 25 DET NBA PG 37 20.9 3.0 7.6 .390 3.0 7.6 .390 .390 1.6 2.2 .732 1.7 2.8 1.6 7.6
1966-67 26 DET NBA SG 51 13.3 1.7 4.4 .376 1.7 4.4 .376 .376 1.0 1.5 .676 1.3 1.5 1.1 4.3
1967-68 27 PTP ABA SG 74 38.6 6.9 18.2 .379 1.9 5.5 .334 5.1 12.7 .399 .430 4.2 5.6 .740 4.0 1.9 2.3 2.7 19.9 AS
1968-69 28 MNP ABA SG 69 33.3 6.0 17.0 .355 2.1 7.6 .277 3.9 9.4 .417 .417 3.7 4.8 .769 0.6 1.8 2.4 1.6 2.2 2.6 17.8
1969-70 29 PTP ABA SG 21 19.1 3.1 8.6 .367 1.1 3.9 .293 2.0 4.7 .429 .433 2.3 3.3 .686 0.8 0.5 1.3 1.0 1.1 2.5 9.7
8 Yrs 491 25.7 4.4 11.1 .392 1.9 6.2 .301 3.7 9.0 .412 .420 2.5 3.4 .738 0.7 2.4 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.3 11.9
STL (4 Yrs) 239 23.4 4.0 9.4 .422 4.0 9.4 .422 .422 2.2 3.0 .734 2.5 2.4 2.5 10.1
PTP (3 Yrs) 164 33.9 6.1 16.5 .368 1.9 6.2 .301 4.2 10.3 .408 .424 3.7 5.0 .747 0.7 2.6 3.0 1.7 2.1 2.6 17.7
DET (2 Yrs) 88 16.5 2.2 5.8 .384 2.2 5.8 .384 .384 1.3 1.8 .705 1.5 2.0 1.3 5.7
NBA (5 Yrs) 327 21.6 3.5 8.4 .415 3.5 8.4 .415 .415 1.9 2.7 .728 2.2 2.3 2.2 8.9
ABA (3 Yrs) 164 33.9 6.1 16.5 .368 1.9 6.2 .301 4.2 10.3 .408 .424 3.7 5.0 .747 0.7 2.6 3.0 1.7 2.1 2.6 17.7
Per Game Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST TOV PF PTS Awards
1962-63 22 STL NBA SG 11 28.5 4.2 8.7 .479 4.2 8.7 .479 .479 1.6 2.5 .667 2.8 2.8 4.2 10.0
1963-64 23 STL NBA SG 12 20.2 3.6 8.4 .426 3.6 8.4 .426 .426 1.6 2.2 .731 2.1 1.8 2.6 8.8
1964-65 24 STL NBA SG 4 18.8 2.3 7.3 .310 2.3 7.3 .310 .310 1.8 2.0 .875 1.5 2.5 3.5 6.3
1967-68 27 PTP ABA SG 15 38.4 6.0 17.1 .352 1.6 6.2 .258 4.4 10.9 .405 .398 4.1 5.2 .795 3.5 2.9 2.3 3.5 17.7
1968-69 28 MNP ABA SG 5 11.4 2.2 7.4 .297 1.2 4.2 .286 1.0 3.2 .313 .378 1.2 1.4 .857 1.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 6.8
5 Yrs 47 26.9 4.2 11.0 .383 1.5 5.7 .263 3.6 8.6 .417 .412 2.4 3.1 .767 2.6 2.3 1.8 3.2 11.5
STL (3 Yrs) 27 23.4 3.6 8.4 .434 3.6 8.4 .434 .434 1.6 2.3 .721 2.3 2.3 3.4 8.9
PTP (2 Yrs) 20 31.7 5.1 14.7 .345 1.5 5.7 .263 3.6 9.0 .397 .396 3.4 4.3 .800 3.0 2.3 1.8 2.9 15.0
NBA (3 Yrs) 27 23.4 3.6 8.4 .434 3.6 8.4 .434 .434 1.6 2.3 .721 2.3 2.3 3.4 8.9
ABA (2 Yrs) 20 31.7 5.1 14.7 .345 1.5 5.7 .263 3.6 9.0 .397 .396 3.4 4.3 .800 3.0 2.3 1.8 2.9 15.0
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Career high, Points40View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Rebounds9View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Assists11View full stats from top 20 games

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Totals Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST TOV PF PTS Trp-Dbl Awards
1962-63 22 STL NBA SG 77 1845 295 708 .417 295 708 .417 .417 188 261 .720 258 252 201 778 0
1963-64 23 STL NBA SG 68 1340 238 538 .442 238 538 .442 .442 107 148 .723 126 129 166 583 0
1964-65 24 STL NBA SG 75 1965 344 811 .424 344 811 .424 .424 182 242 .752 173 157 192 870 0
1965-66 25 2TM NBA PG 56 1219 182 474 .384 182 474 .384 .384 106 144 .736 109 140 99 470 0
1965-66 25 STL NBA PG 19 445 72 192 .375 72 192 .375 .375 46 62 .742 46 36 39 190 0
1965-66 25 DET NBA PG 37 774 110 282 .390 110 282 .390 .390 60 82 .732 63 104 60 280 0
1966-67 26 DET NBA SG 51 680 85 226 .376 85 226 .376 .376 50 74 .676 67 75 54 220 0
1967-68 27 PTP ABA SG 74 2858 512 1350 .379 137 410 .334 375 940 .399 .430 308 416 .740 298 142 171 203 1469 0 AS
1968-69 28 MNP ABA SG 69 2301 415 1170 .355 145 523 .277 270 647 .417 .417 253 329 .769 44 121 165 107 150 178 1228 0
1969-70 29 PTP ABA SG 21 401 66 180 .367 24 82 .293 42 98 .429 .433 48 70 .686 17 11 28 22 23 53 204 0
8 Yrs 491 12609 2137 5457 .392 306 1015 .301 1831 4442 .412 .420 1242 1684 .738 61 132 1224 1024 344 1146 5822 0
STL (4 Yrs) 239 5595 949 2249 .422 949 2249 .422 .422 523 713 .734 603 574 598 2421 0
PTP (3 Yrs) 164 5560 993 2700 .368 306 1015 .301 687 1685 .408 .424 609 815 .747 61 132 491 271 344 434 2901 0
DET (2 Yrs) 88 1454 195 508 .384 195 508 .384 .384 110 156 .705 130 179 114 500 0
NBA (5 Yrs) 327 7049 1144 2757 .415 1144 2757 .415 .415 633 869 .728 733 753 712 2921 0
ABA (3 Yrs) 164 5560 993 2700 .368 306 1015 .301 687 1685 .408 .424 609 815 .747 61 132 491 271 344 434 2901 0
Totals Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST TOV PF PTS Trp-Dbl Awards
1962-63 22 STL NBA SG 11 314 46 96 .479 46 96 .479 .479 18 27 .667 31 31 46 110 0
1963-64 23 STL NBA SG 12 242 43 101 .426 43 101 .426 .426 19 26 .731 25 21 31 105 0
1964-65 24 STL NBA SG 4 75 9 29 .310 9 29 .310 .310 7 8 .875 6 10 14 25 0
1967-68 27 PTP ABA SG 15 576 90 256 .352 24 93 .258 66 163 .405 .398 62 78 .795 53 44 34 53 266 0
1968-69 28 MNP ABA SG 5 57 11 37 .297 6 21 .286 5 16 .313 .378 6 7 .857 6 1 1 5 34 0
5 Yrs 47 1264 199 519 .383 30 114 .263 169 405 .417 .412 112 146 .767 121 107 35 149 540 0
STL (3 Yrs) 27 631 98 226 .434 98 226 .434 .434 44 61 .721 62 62 91 240 0
PTP (2 Yrs) 20 633 101 293 .345 30 114 .263 71 179 .397 .396 68 85 .800 59 45 35 58 300 0
NBA (3 Yrs) 27 631 98 226 .434 98 226 .434 .434 44 61 .721 62 62 91 240 0
ABA (2 Yrs) 20 633 101 293 .345 30 114 .263 71 179 .397 .396 68 85 .800 59 45 35 58 300 0
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Per 36 Minutes

Per 36 Minutes Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST TOV PF PTS Awards
1962-63 22 STL NBA SG 77 1845 5.8 13.8 .417 5.8 13.8 .417 .417 3.7 5.1 .720 5.0 4.9 3.9 15.2
1963-64 23 STL NBA SG 68 1340 6.4 14.5 .442 6.4 14.5 .442 .442 2.9 4.0 .723 3.4 3.5 4.5 15.7
1964-65 24 STL NBA SG 75 1965 6.3 14.9 .424 6.3 14.9 .424 .424 3.3 4.4 .752 3.2 2.9 3.5 15.9
1965-66 25 2TM NBA PG 56 1219 5.4 14.0 .384 5.4 14.0 .384 .384 3.1 4.3 .736 3.2 4.1 2.9 13.9
1965-66 25 STL NBA PG 19 445 5.8 15.5 .375 5.8 15.5 .375 .375 3.7 5.0 .742 3.7 2.9 3.2 15.4
1965-66 25 DET NBA PG 37 774 5.1 13.1 .390 5.1 13.1 .390 .390 2.8 3.8 .732 2.9 4.8 2.8 13.0
1966-67 26 DET NBA SG 51 680 4.5 12.0 .376 4.5 12.0 .376 .376 2.6 3.9 .676 3.5 4.0 2.9 11.6
1967-68 27 PTP ABA SG 74 2858 6.4 17.0 .379 1.7 5.2 .334 4.7 11.8 .399 .430 3.9 5.2 .740 3.8 1.8 2.2 2.6 18.5 AS
1968-69 28 MNP ABA SG 69 2301 6.5 18.3 .355 2.3 8.2 .277 4.2 10.1 .417 .417 4.0 5.1 .769 0.7 1.9 2.6 1.7 2.3 2.8 19.2
1969-70 29 PTP ABA SG 21 401 5.9 16.2 .367 2.2 7.4 .293 3.8 8.8 .429 .433 4.3 6.3 .686 1.5 1.0 2.5 2.0 2.1 4.8 18.3
8 Yrs 491 12609 6.1 15.6 .392 2.0 6.6 .301 5.2 12.7 .412 .420 3.5 4.8 .738 0.8 3.3 3.5 2.9 2.2 3.3 16.6
Game Avg 491 12609 6.1 15.6 .392 3.5 4.8 .738 3.5 2.9 3.3 16.6
STL (4 Yrs) 239 5595 6.1 14.5 .422 6.1 14.5 .422 .422 3.4 4.6 .734 3.9 3.7 3.8 15.6
PTP (3 Yrs) 164 5560 6.4 17.5 .368 2.0 6.6 .301 4.4 10.9 .408 .424 3.9 5.3 .747 0.8 2.8 3.2 1.8 2.2 2.8 18.8
DET (2 Yrs) 88 1454 4.8 12.6 .384 4.8 12.6 .384 .384 2.7 3.9 .705 3.2 4.4 2.8 12.4
NBA (5 Yrs) 327 7049 5.8 14.1 .415 5.8 14.1 .415 .415 3.2 4.4 .728 3.7 3.8 3.6 14.9
ABA (3 Yrs) 164 5560 6.4 17.5 .368 2.0 6.6 .301 4.4 10.9 .408 .424 3.9 5.3 .747 0.8 2.8 3.2 1.8 2.2 2.8 18.8
Per 36 Minutes Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% TRB AST TOV PF PTS Awards
1962-63 22 STL NBA SG 11 314 5.3 11.0 .479 5.3 11.0 .479 .479 2.1 3.1 .667 3.6 3.6 5.3 12.6
1963-64 23 STL NBA SG 12 242 6.4 15.0 .426 6.4 15.0 .426 .426 2.8 3.9 .731 3.7 3.1 4.6 15.6
1964-65 24 STL NBA SG 4 75 4.3 13.9 .310 4.3 13.9 .310 .310 3.4 3.8 .875 2.9 4.8 6.7 12.0
1967-68 27 PTP ABA SG 15 576 5.6 16.0 .352 1.5 5.8 .258 4.1 10.2 .405 .398 3.9 4.9 .795 3.3 2.7 2.1 3.3 16.6
1968-69 28 MNP ABA SG 5 57 6.9 23.4 .297 3.8 13.3 .286 3.2 10.1 .313 .378 3.8 4.4 .857 3.8 0.6 0.6 3.2 21.5
5 Yrs 47 1264 5.7 14.8 .383 1.7 6.5 .263 4.8 11.5 .417 .412 3.2 4.2 .767 3.4 3.0 2.0 4.2 15.4
Game Avg 47 1264 5.7 14.8 .383 3.2 4.2 .767 3.4 3.0 4.2 15.4
STL (3 Yrs) 27 631 5.6 12.9 .434 5.6 12.9 .434 .434 2.5 3.5 .721 3.5 3.5 5.2 13.7
PTP (2 Yrs) 20 633 5.7 16.7 .345 1.7 6.5 .263 4.0 10.2 .397 .396 3.9 4.8 .800 3.4 2.6 2.0 3.3 17.1
NBA (3 Yrs) 27 631 5.6 12.9 .434 5.6 12.9 .434 .434 2.5 3.5 .721 3.5 3.5 5.2 13.7
ABA (2 Yrs) 20 633 5.7 16.7 .345 1.7 6.5 .263 4.0 10.2 .397 .396 3.9 4.8 .800 3.4 2.6 2.0 3.3 17.1


Advanced Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP PER TS% 3PAr FTr TRB% AST% TOV% USG% OWS DWS WS WS/48 Awards
1962-63 22 STL NBA SG 77 1845 13.2 .473 .369 1.0 2.4 3.4 .090
1963-64 23 STL NBA SG 68 1340 11.5 .483 .275 1.3 1.1 2.3 .084
1964-65 24 STL NBA SG 75 1965 11.8 .474 .298 11.8 1.8 1.7 3.4 .084
1965-66 25 2TM NBA PG 56 1219 10.3 .437 .304 15.3 -0.2 1.0 0.8 .031
1965-66 25 STL NBA PG 19 445 10.0 .433 .323 11.3 -0.2 0.3 0.1 .010
1965-66 25 DET NBA PG 37 774 10.5 .440 .291 17.6 -0.1 0.8 0.7 .044
1966-67 26 DET NBA SG 51 680 9.1 .425 .327 14.2 -0.4 0.7 0.4 .026
1967-68 27 PTP ABA SG 74 2858 13.7 .479 .304 .308 4.4 7.3 10.0 22.2 3.0 1.9 4.9 .082 AS
1968-69 28 MNP ABA SG 69 2301 11.7 .467 .447 .281 3.2 6.7 10.2 22.6 0.3 2.0 2.3 .049
1969-70 29 PTP ABA SG 21 401 11.2 .484 .456 .389 3.0 7.3 9.8 21.0 0.2 0.2 0.4 .045
8 Yrs 491 12609 12.1 .470 .186 .309 3.8 9.6 10.1 22.3 6.9 11.0 18.0 .068
STL (4 Yrs) 239 5595 12.1 .472 .317 11.7 3.9 5.4 9.3 .080
PTP (3 Yrs) 164 5560 12.7 .474 .376 .302 3.8 7.0 10.1 22.3 3.5 4.2 7.6 .066
DET (2 Yrs) 88 1454 9.8 .434 .307 16.0 -0.4 1.5 1.1 .035
NBA (5 Yrs) 327 7049 11.6 .465 .315 13.4 3.5 6.9 10.4 .071
ABA (3 Yrs) 164 5560 12.7 .474 .376 .302 3.8 7.0 10.1 22.3 3.5 4.2 7.6 .066
Advanced Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP PER TS% 3PAr FTr TRB% AST% TOV% USG% OWS DWS WS WS/48 Awards
1962-63 22 STL NBA SG 11 314 9.9 .510 .281 13.4 0.3 0.3 0.7 .100
1963-64 23 STL NBA SG 12 242 11.3 .467 .257 13.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 .051
1964-65 24 STL NBA SG 4 75 6.6 .384 .276 18.0 -0.1 0.1 0.0 -0.007
1967-68 27 PTP ABA SG 15 576 11.0 .458 .363 .305 3.9 10.4 10.5 21.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 .029
1968-69 28 MNP ABA SG 5 57 12.4 .424 .568 .189 4.8 2.7 2.4 26.5 -0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.036
5 Yrs 47 1264 10.6 .463 .220 .281 3.9 11.8 9.6 21.5 0.4 0.8 1.2 .046
STL (3 Yrs) 27 631 10.0 .475 .270 13.9 0.4 0.5 0.9 .069
PTP (2 Yrs) 20 633 11.1 .454 .389 .290 3.9 9.7 9.6 21.5 0.0 0.4 0.3 .023
NBA (3 Yrs) 27 631 10.0 .475 .270 13.9 0.4 0.5 0.9 .069
ABA (2 Yrs) 20 633 11.1 .454 .389 .290 3.9 9.7 9.6 21.5 0.0 0.4 0.3 .023

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors


Frequently Asked Questions

Where was Chico Vaughn born?

Chico Vaughn was born in Portland, Oregon.

When was Chico Vaughn born?

Chico Vaughn was born on February 19, 1940.

How tall was Chico Vaughn?

Chico Vaughn was 6-2 (188 cm) tall.

How much did Chico Vaughn weigh when playing?

Chico Vaughn weighed 190 lbs (86 kg) when playing.

Is Chico Vaughn in the Hall of Fame?

Chico Vaughn is not in the Hall of Fame.

When was Chico Vaughn drafted?

Chico Vaughn was drafted by St. Louis Hawks, 4th round (1st pick, 28th overall), 1962 NBA Draft.

What position did Chico Vaughn play?

Shooting Guard and Point Guard.

When did Chico Vaughn retire?

Chico Vaughn last played in 1970.

What did Chico Vaughn average?

Chico Vaughn averaged 11.9 points, 2.5 rebounds, and 2.1 assists per game.

How many rings does Chico Vaughn have?

Chico Vaughn won one championship.

What schools did Chico Vaughn attend?

Chico Vaughn attended Tamms in Tamms, Illinois and Southern Illinois.

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