Recent Game Results

Height of bar is margin of victory • Mouseover bar for details • Click for box score • Grouped by Month


Roster Table
No. Player Pos Ht Wt Birth Date Birth Exp College
22Walker BanksC6-10205August 26, 1947RWestern Kentucky
23, 40John BriskerSF6-5210June 15, 1947us US1Toledo
21Charlie HentzPF6-5210September 13, 1947RUniversity of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
15Rich JohnsonC6-7210December 18, 19462Grambling State University
13Stew JohnsonPF6-8220August 19, 1944us US3Murray State
22Arvesta KellyG6-2175November 20, 1945us US3Lincoln University of Missouri
12Joe KennedySF6-6210January 12, 19472Duke
33Dave LattinPF6-6225December 23, 1943us US2Texas-El Paso
Harry LaurieG6-1178November 2, 1944RLoyola Chicago, Saint Peter's College
24Mike LewisC6-8225March 18, 1946us US2Duke
15Ken SpainC6-9225October 6, 1946us USRHouston
23Skeeter SwiftSG6-3204June 19, 1946us US1East Tennessee State University
25George ThompsonSG6-2200November 29, 1947us US1Marquette
32Sam WattsSG6-3185March 14, 1948RFlorida A&M, University of Great Falls
14Hubie WhiteSG6-4205January 26, 19403Villanova
10, 44Charlie WilliamsPG6-0165September 5, 1943us US3Seattle University
10Chuck WilliamsPG6-2175June 6, 1946us USRColorado
14Jim WilsonG5-10175RCheyney (PA)

Team and Opponent Stats

  • Ranks are per game (except for MP, which are total) and sorted descending (except for TOV and PF); opponents ranked are flipped; year/year calculations are also per game

Team Misc

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Per Game

Per Game Table
Rk Player Age Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST TOV PF PTS Awards
1 John Brisker 23 SF 79 39.1 11.4 25.0 .455 1.1 3.3 .337 10.2 21.6 .474 .478 5.4 6.6 .829 3.8 5.9 9.7 2.9 4.1 3.5 29.3 MVP-9,AS
2 Mike Lewis 24 C 83 33.0 5.1 9.9 .509 0.0 0.0 5.1 9.9 .509 .509 2.8 3.7 .768 5.2 9.4 14.6 3.2 2.9 4.0 13.0 AS
3 Skeeter Swift 24 SG 52 31.3 5.3 11.2 .471 0.5 1.6 .306 4.8 9.6 .499 .493 2.6 3.0 .861 0.8 2.6 3.4 4.3 2.7 3.6 13.7
4 Stew Johnson 26 PF 84 30.9 7.1 16.1 .439 0.1 0.5 .300 6.9 15.6 .444 .444 1.7 2.0 .842 2.3 5.4 7.7 1.5 1.9 2.6 16.0
5 Charlie Williams 27 PG 32 30.4 6.0 14.3 .421 0.3 1.2 .270 5.7 13.2 .435 .432 2.4 3.4 .704 0.8 1.8 2.6 4.0 4.0 3.2 14.8
6 George Thompson 23 SG 82 30.1 7.0 14.9 .471 0.3 1.1 .256 6.7 13.8 .488 .481 4.2 5.9 .715 1.6 2.0 3.5 2.5 2.4 2.6 18.5
7 Chuck Williams 24 PG 83 21.6 3.2 7.4 .437 0.0 0.0 .250 3.2 7.3 .438 .438 3.0 3.8 .785 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.9 9.5
8 Charlie Hentz 23 PF 57 18.9 2.5 5.3 .469 0.0 0.1 .000 2.5 5.2 .475 .469 1.0 1.7 .582 2.6 4.2 6.8 0.5 1.4 2.0 6.0
9 Joe Kennedy 24 SF 82 16.9 2.3 6.1 .380 0.0 0.0 .000 2.3 6.0 .381 .380 1.6 2.0 .813 1.8 2.4 4.2 0.9 1.2 1.9 6.2
10 Dave Lattin 27 PF 71 16.0 2.5 5.3 .469 0.0 0.0 .000 2.5 5.3 .471 .469 1.5 2.5 .610 2.1 4.5 6.6 0.9 1.6 3.0 6.5
11 Sam Watts 22 SG 54 12.0 2.0 5.3 .380 0.3 0.8 .341 1.8 4.6 .386 .404 0.9 1.2 .731 0.8 1.0 1.8 0.8 1.3 2.0 5.2
12 Hubie White 31 SG 14 11.9 1.2 4.4 .279 0.1 0.5 .286 1.1 3.9 .278 .295 0.7 0.9 .769 0.7 1.6 2.3 1.0 0.7 2.0 3.3
13 Ken Spain 24 11 10.2 0.7 2.0 .364 0.0 0.0 0.7 2.0 .364 .364 0.7 1.5 .471 1.0 2.6 3.6 0.2 0.8 1.5 2.2
14 Walker Banks 23 16 9.6 1.1 2.1 .500 0.0 0.0 1.1 2.1 .500 .500 0.4 1.1 .412 1.2 1.9 3.1 0.5 1.0 2.1 2.6
15 Arvesta Kelly 25 17 7.9 0.9 1.6 .593 0.0 0.2 .000 0.9 1.4 .667 .593 0.7 1.4 .522 0.5 0.9 1.4 1.0 0.8 1.5 2.6
16 Jim Wilson 6 7.3 0.2 1.3 .125 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.3 .125 .125 0.7 1.0 .667 0.2 0.8 1.0 1.3 0.8 0.5 1.0
17 Harry Laurie 26 9 6.3 0.3 1.3 .250 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.3 .250 .250 0.8 1.2 .636 0.8 0.9 1.7 0.9 1.1 1.8 1.4
18 Rich Johnson 24 C 6 5.0 1.0 2.0 .500 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 .500 .500 0.5 1.0 .500 1.0 0.8 1.8 0.5 0.3 0.5 2.5
Team Totals 84 240.8 46.5 103.1 .451 2.1 6.9 .306 3903.9 8654.1 .461 .461 24.0 31.7 .757 21.0 4810.0 57.5 19.3 20.5 26.3 119.1

Per 36 Minutes

Per 36 Minutes Table
Rk Player Age Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST TOV PF PTS Awards
1 John Brisker 23 SF 79 3089 10.5 23.0 .455 1.0 3.1 .337 9.4 19.9 .474 .478 5.0 6.0 .829 3.5 5.4 8.9 2.6 3.7 3.2 27.0 MVP-9,AS
2 Mike Lewis 24 C 83 2741 5.5 10.8 .509 0.0 0.0 5.5 10.8 .509 .509 3.1 4.0 .768 5.7 10.2 15.9 3.5 3.1 4.4 14.1 AS
3 Stew Johnson 26 PF 84 2595 8.2 18.7 .439 0.2 0.6 .300 8.1 18.2 .444 .444 2.0 2.4 .842 2.7 6.3 9.0 1.7 2.2 3.1 18.6
4 George Thompson 23 SG 82 2470 8.4 17.8 .471 0.3 1.3 .256 8.0 16.5 .488 .481 5.1 7.1 .715 1.9 2.4 4.2 3.0 2.9 3.2 22.2
5 Chuck Williams 24 PG 83 1795 5.4 12.3 .437 0.0 0.1 .250 5.4 12.2 .438 .438 5.0 6.4 .785 1.8 1.9 3.7 3.4 3.0 3.2 15.8
6 Skeeter Swift 24 SG 52 1627 6.1 12.9 .471 0.6 1.9 .306 5.5 11.0 .499 .493 3.0 3.5 .861 0.9 3.0 3.9 5.0 3.1 4.1 15.7
7 Joe Kennedy 24 SF 82 1382 4.9 13.0 .380 0.0 0.1 .000 4.9 12.9 .381 .380 3.4 4.2 .813 3.9 5.0 8.9 1.9 2.5 4.1 13.2
8 Dave Lattin 27 PF 71 1135 5.6 12.0 .469 0.0 0.0 .000 5.6 11.9 .471 .469 3.4 5.6 .610 4.7 10.1 14.8 2.0 3.5 6.8 14.7
9 Charlie Hentz 23 PF 57 1075 4.8 10.1 .469 0.0 0.1 .000 4.8 10.0 .475 .469 1.9 3.3 .582 5.0 8.0 12.9 1.0 2.7 3.8 11.4
10 Charlie Williams 27 PG 32 973 7.1 16.9 .421 0.4 1.4 .270 6.8 15.6 .435 .432 2.8 4.0 .704 0.9 2.1 3.1 4.7 4.7 3.7 17.5
11 Sam Watts 22 SG 54 650 6.0 15.9 .380 0.8 2.3 .341 5.3 13.6 .386 .404 2.7 3.7 .731 2.5 3.0 5.5 2.5 3.8 5.9 15.6
12 Hubie White 31 SG 14 166 3.7 13.2 .279 0.4 1.5 .286 3.3 11.7 .278 .295 2.2 2.8 .769 2.2 4.8 6.9 3.0 2.2 6.1 10.0
13 Walker Banks 23 16 154 4.0 7.9 .500 0.0 0.0 4.0 7.9 .500 .500 1.6 4.0 .412 4.4 7.0 11.5 1.9 3.7 7.9 9.6
14 Arvesta Kelly 25 17 135 4.3 7.2 .593 0.0 0.8 .000 4.3 6.4 .667 .593 3.2 6.1 .522 2.1 4.3 6.4 4.5 3.5 6.9 11.7
15 Ken Spain 24 11 112 2.6 7.1 .364 0.0 0.0 2.6 7.1 .364 .364 2.6 5.5 .471 3.5 9.3 12.9 0.6 2.9 5.5 7.7
16 Harry Laurie 26 9 57 1.9 7.6 .250 0.0 0.0 1.9 7.6 .250 .250 4.4 6.9 .636 4.4 5.1 9.5 5.1 6.3 10.1 8.2
17 Jim Wilson 6 44 0.8 6.5 .125 0.0 0.0 0.8 6.5 .125 .125 3.3 4.9 .667 0.8 4.1 4.9 6.5 4.1 2.5 4.9
18 Rich Johnson 24 C 6 30 7.2 14.4 .500 0.0 0.0 7.2 14.4 .500 .500 3.6 7.2 .500 7.2 6.0 13.2 3.6 2.4 3.6 18.0

Players on League Leaderboards

  • Qualified players in the top 20  ·  Includes full-season stats for all players who saw court time during the regular season or playoffs.