Per Game

Per Game Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS Awards
1966-67 Did not play - other pro league
1967-68 25 DLC ABA SF 77 32.8 6.9 14.1 .489 0.0 0.1 .250 6.9 14.1 .490 .490 4.5 6.4 .692 9.0 1.4 2.5 3.3 18.3 MVP-9
1968-69 26 DLC ABA SF 75 34.3 7.4 15.7 .471 0.0 0.1 .286 7.4 15.6 .472 .472 4.6 6.3 .728 2.7 6.2 8.9 2.3 2.8 3.7 19.4 MVP-11
1969-70 27 DLC ABA SF 76 34.5 7.4 15.8 .468 0.0 0.2 .167 7.4 15.6 .471 .469 5.3 6.8 .775 2.5 6.4 9.0 2.5 3.3 3.3 20.1 MVP-11,AS
1970-71 28 KEN ABA SF 81 36.2 7.1 14.5 .493 0.0 0.2 .250 7.1 14.3 .496 .494 3.7 4.9 .759 3.8 7.1 11.0 3.1 2.9 4.0 18.0 AS
1971-72 29 KEN ABA SF 65 35.2 6.6 14.0 .474 0.1 0.2 .308 6.6 13.8 .477 .476 2.8 3.9 .723 2.4 5.3 7.7 3.6 2.7 3.4 16.1
1972-73 30 UTS ABA SF 83 23.9 5.1 10.3 .496 0.0 0.2 .231 5.1 10.1 .500 .498 2.0 2.9 .696 1.6 3.4 5.1 1.7 1.7 3.0 12.2
1973-74 31 VIR ABA PF 82 30.3 6.4 14.2 .452 0.1 0.4 .323 6.3 13.9 .456 .457 2.5 3.6 .706 2.1 4.2 6.3 1.7 0.6 0.4 2.3 3.3 15.5
1974-75 32 VIR ABA SF 60 20.4 3.6 8.8 .404 0.1 0.3 .294 3.5 8.6 .407 .408 2.0 3.0 .661 1.2 2.2 3.4 1.6 0.5 0.1 1.5 2.3 9.2
8 Yrs 599 31.1 6.4 13.5 .472 0.1 0.2 .274 6.3 13.3 .475 .474 3.5 4.8 .725 2.4 5.6 7.6 2.2 0.5 0.3 2.5 3.3 16.3
DLC (3 Yrs) 228 33.9 7.2 15.2 .476 0.0 0.1 .217 7.2 15.1 .478 .476 4.8 6.5 .732 2.6 7.2 9.0 2.1 2.9 3.4 19.3
KEN (2 Yrs) 146 35.8 6.9 14.2 .485 0.1 0.2 .276 6.8 14.0 .488 .487 3.3 4.5 .745 3.2 6.3 9.5 3.4 2.8 3.7 17.2
VIR (2 Yrs) 142 26.1 5.2 12.0 .437 0.1 0.3 .313 5.1 11.6 .441 .442 2.3 3.4 .689 1.7 3.4 5.1 1.6 0.5 0.3 2.0 2.9 12.9
UTS (1 Yr) 83 23.9 5.1 10.3 .496 0.0 0.2 .231 5.1 10.1 .500 .498 2.0 2.9 .696 1.6 3.4 5.1 1.7 1.7 3.0 12.2
Per Game Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS Awards
1967-68 25 DLC ABA SF 8 41.8 7.9 18.0 .438 0.0 0.3 .000 7.9 17.8 .444 .438 7.6 9.1 .836 10.9 2.1 3.5 3.8 23.4
1968-69 26 DLC ABA SF 7 32.4 7.3 16.3 .447 0.1 0.1 1.000 7.1 16.1 .442 .452 5.3 6.1 .860 9.7 1.4 3.1 3.0 20.0
1969-70 27 DLC ABA SF 6 36.5 8.5 18.0 .472 0.0 0.5 .000 8.5 17.5 .486 .472 4.8 6.8 .707 13.5 4.8 4.3 3.7 21.8
1970-71 28 KEN ABA SF 19 36.9 7.3 14.8 .489 0.2 0.4 .429 7.1 14.5 .491 .495 3.7 5.4 .696 4.1 9.0 13.1 2.5 2.7 4.4 18.4
1971-72 29 KEN ABA SF 6 28.2 4.7 8.7 .538 0.0 0.2 .000 4.7 8.5 .549 .538 2.5 3.2 .789 4.0 1.5 2.2 2.8 11.8
1972-73 30 UTS ABA SF 10 19.2 3.7 8.9 .416 0.0 0.1 .000 3.7 8.8 .420 .416 1.8 2.9 .621 1.2 2.5 3.7 0.6 1.7 3.0 9.2
1973-74 31 VIR ABA PF 5 35.2 8.8 20.0 .440 0.2 0.6 .333 8.6 19.4 .443 .445 2.2 2.8 .786 3.6 6.0 9.6 1.0 0.6 0.2 3.4 4.2 20.0
7 Yrs 61 33.1 6.8 14.6 .463 0.1 0.3 .278 6.7 14.3 .467 .466 4.0 5.3 .754 3.1 8.0 9.7 2.0 0.6 0.2 2.9 3.7 17.6
DLC (3 Yrs) 21 37.1 7.9 17.4 .451 0.0 0.3 .167 7.8 17.1 .456 .452 6.0 7.5 .809 11.2 2.7 3.6 3.5 21.8
KEN (2 Yrs) 25 34.8 6.6 13.4 .497 0.1 0.3 .375 6.5 13.0 .500 .501 3.4 4.8 .711 4.1 7.8 10.9 2.2 2.6 4.0 16.8
UTS (1 Yr) 10 19.2 3.7 8.9 .416 0.0 0.1 .000 3.7 8.8 .420 .416 1.8 2.9 .621 1.2 2.5 3.7 0.6 1.7 3.0 9.2
VIR (1 Yr) 5 35.2 8.8 20.0 .440 0.2 0.6 .333 8.6 19.4 .443 .445 2.2 2.8 .786 3.6 6.0 9.6 1.0 0.6 0.2 3.4 4.2 20.0
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Career high, Points43View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Rebounds23View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Assists11View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Steals3View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Blocks1View full stats from top 20 games
Career high, Game Score9.2View full stats from top 20 games
Triple-Doubles1View all

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Totals Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS Trp-Dbl Awards
1966-67 Did not play - other pro league
1967-68 25 DLC ABA SF 77 2524 533 1089 .489 1 4 .250 532 1085 .490 .490 343 496 .692 694 106 190 254 1410 0 MVP-9
1968-69 26 DLC ABA SF 75 2573 555 1179 .471 2 7 .286 553 1172 .472 .472 342 470 .728 203 468 671 173 212 275 1454 0 MVP-11
1969-70 27 DLC ABA SF 76 2624 562 1200 .468 2 12 .167 560 1188 .471 .469 402 519 .775 193 489 682 192 251 250 1528 0 MVP-11,AS
1970-71 28 KEN ABA SF 81 2933 578 1173 .493 4 16 .250 574 1157 .496 .494 302 398 .759 311 579 890 255 235 323 1462 0 AS
1971-72 29 KEN ABA SF 65 2288 430 907 .474 4 13 .308 426 894 .477 .476 185 256 .723 158 342 500 237 178 219 1049 0
1972-73 30 UTS ABA SF 83 1985 423 853 .496 3 13 .231 420 840 .500 .498 167 240 .696 135 285 420 137 137 249 1016 0
1973-74 31 VIR ABA PF 82 2485 528 1167 .452 10 31 .323 518 1136 .456 .457 209 296 .706 171 348 519 136 46 32 186 270 1275 0
1974-75 32 VIR ABA SF 60 1224 214 530 .404 5 17 .294 209 513 .407 .408 119 180 .661 74 132 206 94 27 8 91 138 552 0
8 Yrs 599 18636 3823 8098 .472 31 113 .274 3792 7985 .475 .474 2069 2855 .725 1245 2643 4582 1330 73 40 1480 1978 9746 0
DLC (3 Yrs) 228 7721 1650 3468 .476 5 23 .217 1645 3445 .478 .476 1087 1485 .732 396 957 2047 471 653 779 4392 0
KEN (2 Yrs) 146 5221 1008 2080 .485 8 29 .276 1000 2051 .488 .487 487 654 .745 469 921 1390 492 413 542 2511 0
VIR (2 Yrs) 142 3709 742 1697 .437 15 48 .313 727 1649 .441 .442 328 476 .689 245 480 725 230 73 40 277 408 1827 0
UTS (1 Yr) 83 1985 423 853 .496 3 13 .231 420 840 .500 .498 167 240 .696 135 285 420 137 137 249 1016 0
Totals Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS Trp-Dbl Awards
1967-68 25 DLC ABA SF 8 334 63 144 .438 0 2 .000 63 142 .444 .438 61 73 .836 87 17 28 30 187 0
1968-69 26 DLC ABA SF 7 227 51 114 .447 1 1 1.000 50 113 .442 .452 37 43 .860 68 10 22 21 140 0
1969-70 27 DLC ABA SF 6 219 51 108 .472 0 3 .000 51 105 .486 .472 29 41 .707 81 29 26 22 131 0
1970-71 28 KEN ABA SF 19 702 138 282 .489 3 7 .429 135 275 .491 .495 71 102 .696 77 171 248 47 51 83 350 0
1971-72 29 KEN ABA SF 6 169 28 52 .538 0 1 .000 28 51 .549 .538 15 19 .789 24 9 13 17 71 0
1972-73 30 UTS ABA SF 10 192 37 89 .416 0 1 .000 37 88 .420 .416 18 29 .621 12 25 37 6 17 30 92 0
1973-74 31 VIR ABA PF 5 176 44 100 .440 1 3 .333 43 97 .443 .445 11 14 .786 18 30 48 5 3 1 17 21 100 0
7 Yrs 61 2019 412 889 .463 5 18 .278 407 871 .467 .466 242 321 .754 107 226 593 123 3 1 174 224 1071 0
DLC (3 Yrs) 21 780 165 366 .451 1 6 .167 164 360 .456 .452 127 157 .809 236 56 76 73 458 0
KEN (2 Yrs) 25 871 166 334 .497 3 8 .375 163 326 .500 .501 86 121 .711 77 171 272 56 64 100 421 0
UTS (1 Yr) 10 192 37 89 .416 0 1 .000 37 88 .420 .416 18 29 .621 12 25 37 6 17 30 92 0
VIR (1 Yr) 5 176 44 100 .440 1 3 .333 43 97 .443 .445 11 14 .786 18 30 48 5 3 1 17 21 100 0
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Per 36 Minutes

Per 36 Minutes Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS Awards
1966-67 Did not play - other pro league
1967-68 25 DLC ABA SF 77 2524 7.6 15.5 .489 0.0 0.1 .250 7.6 15.5 .490 .490 4.9 7.1 .692 9.9 1.5 2.7 3.6 20.1 MVP-9
1968-69 26 DLC ABA SF 75 2573 7.8 16.5 .471 0.0 0.1 .286 7.7 16.4 .472 .472 4.8 6.6 .728 2.8 6.5 9.4 2.4 3.0 3.8 20.3 MVP-11
1969-70 27 DLC ABA SF 76 2624 7.7 16.5 .468 0.0 0.2 .167 7.7 16.3 .471 .469 5.5 7.1 .775 2.6 6.7 9.4 2.6 3.4 3.4 21.0 MVP-11,AS
1970-71 28 KEN ABA SF 81 2933 7.1 14.4 .493 0.0 0.2 .250 7.0 14.2 .496 .494 3.7 4.9 .759 3.8 7.1 10.9 3.1 2.9 4.0 17.9 AS
1971-72 29 KEN ABA SF 65 2288 6.8 14.3 .474 0.1 0.2 .308 6.7 14.1 .477 .476 2.9 4.0 .723 2.5 5.4 7.9 3.7 2.8 3.4 16.5
1972-73 30 UTS ABA SF 83 1985 7.7 15.5 .496 0.1 0.2 .231 7.6 15.2 .500 .498 3.0 4.4 .696 2.4 5.2 7.6 2.5 2.5 4.5 18.4
1973-74 31 VIR ABA PF 82 2485 7.6 16.9 .452 0.1 0.4 .323 7.5 16.5 .456 .457 3.0 4.3 .706 2.5 5.0 7.5 2.0 0.7 0.5 2.7 3.9 18.5
1974-75 32 VIR ABA SF 60 1224 6.3 15.6 .404 0.1 0.5 .294 6.1 15.1 .407 .408 3.5 5.3 .661 2.2 3.9 6.1 2.8 0.8 0.2 2.7 4.1 16.2
8 Yrs 599 18636 7.4 15.6 .472 0.1 0.2 .274 7.3 15.4 .475 .474 4.0 5.5 .725 2.8 6.4 8.9 2.6 0.7 0.4 2.9 3.8 18.8
Game Avg 599 18636 7.4 15.6 .472 0.1 0.2 .274 7.3 15.4 .475 .474 4.0 5.5 .725 8.9 2.6 2.9 3.8 18.8
DLC (3 Yrs) 228 7721 7.7 16.2 .476 0.0 0.1 .217 7.7 16.1 .478 .476 5.1 6.9 .732 2.7 7.7 9.5 2.2 3.0 3.6 20.5
KEN (2 Yrs) 146 5221 7.0 14.3 .485 0.1 0.2 .276 6.9 14.1 .488 .487 3.4 4.5 .745 3.2 6.4 9.6 3.4 2.8 3.7 17.3
VIR (2 Yrs) 142 3709 7.2 16.5 .437 0.1 0.5 .313 7.1 16.0 .441 .442 3.2 4.6 .689 2.4 4.7 7.0 2.2 0.7 0.4 2.7 4.0 17.7
UTS (1 Yr) 83 1985 7.7 15.5 .496 0.1 0.2 .231 7.6 15.2 .500 .498 3.0 4.4 .696 2.4 5.2 7.6 2.5 2.5 4.5 18.4
Per 36 Minutes Table
Season Age Team Lg Pos G MP FG FGA FG% 3P 3PA 3P% 2P 2PA 2P% eFG% FT FTA FT% ORB DRB TRB AST STL BLK TOV PF PTS Awards
1967-68 25 DLC ABA SF 8 334 6.8 15.5 .438 0.0 0.2 .000 6.8 15.3 .444 .438 6.6 7.9 .836 9.4 1.8 3.0 3.2 20.2
1968-69 26 DLC ABA SF 7 227 8.1 18.1 .447 0.2 0.2 1.000 7.9 17.9 .442 .452 5.9 6.8 .860 10.8 1.6 3.5 3.3 22.2
1969-70 27 DLC ABA SF 6 219 8.4 17.8 .472 0.0 0.5 .000 8.4 17.3 .486 .472 4.8 6.7 .707 13.3 4.8 4.3 3.6 21.5
1970-71 28 KEN ABA SF 19 702 7.1 14.5 .489 0.2 0.4 .429 6.9 14.1 .491 .495 3.6 5.2 .696 3.9 8.8 12.7 2.4 2.6 4.3 17.9
1971-72 29 KEN ABA SF 6 169 6.0 11.1 .538 0.0 0.2 .000 6.0 10.9 .549 .538 3.2 4.0 .789 5.1 1.9 2.8 3.6 15.1
1972-73 30 UTS ABA SF 10 192 6.9 16.7 .416 0.0 0.2 .000 6.9 16.5 .420 .416 3.4 5.4 .621 2.3 4.7 6.9 1.1 3.2 5.6 17.2
1973-74 31 VIR ABA PF 5 176 9.0 20.5 .440 0.2 0.6 .333 8.8 19.8 .443 .445 2.3 2.9 .786 3.7 6.1 9.8 1.0 0.6 0.2 3.5 4.3 20.5
7 Yrs 61 2019 7.3 15.9 .463 0.1 0.3 .278 7.3 15.5 .467 .466 4.3 5.7 .754 3.6 8.7 10.6 2.2 0.6 0.2 3.1 4.0 19.1
Game Avg 61 2019 7.3 15.9 .463 0.1 0.3 .278 7.3 15.5 .467 .466 4.3 5.7 .754 10.6 2.2 3.1 4.0 19.1
DLC (3 Yrs) 21 780 7.6 16.9 .451 0.0 0.3 .167 7.6 16.6 .456 .452 5.9 7.2 .809 10.9 2.6 3.5 3.4 21.1
KEN (2 Yrs) 25 871 6.9 13.8 .497 0.1 0.3 .375 6.7 13.5 .500 .501 3.6 5.0 .711 3.9 8.1 11.2 2.3 2.6 4.1 17.4
UTS (1 Yr) 10 192 6.9 16.7 .416 0.0 0.2 .000 6.9 16.5 .420 .416 3.4 5.4 .621 2.3 4.7 6.9 1.1 3.2 5.6 17.2
VIR (1 Yr) 5 176 9.0 20.5 .440 0.2 0.6 .333 8.8 19.8 .443 .445 2.3 2.9 .786 3.7 6.1 9.8 1.0 0.6 0.2 3.5 4.3 20.5


Advanced Table
1966-67 Did not play - other pro league
1967-68 25 DLC ABA SF 77 2524 20.5 .539 .004 .455 13.0 6.4 12.7 22.8 6.9 1.2 8.1 .154 MVP-9
1968-69 26 DLC ABA SF 75 2573 19.4 .525 .006 .399 11.9 10.7 13.3 23.6 4.6 1.8 6.4 .119 MVP-11
1969-70 27 DLC ABA SF 76 2624 18.5 .535 .010 .433 11.4 10.2 14.9 23.0 5.0 1.9 6.8 .125 MVP-11,AS
1970-71 28 KEN ABA SF 81 2933 17.1 .542 .014 .339 13.1 11.2 14.8 19.2 4.6 2.4 7.0 .114 AS
1971-72 29 KEN ABA SF 65 2288 14.7 .514 .014 .282 6.7 13.1 10.1 13.8 14.9 20.2 2.1 3.4 5.4 .114
1972-73 30 UTS ABA SF 83 1985 15.1 .530 .015 .281 7.1 13.4 10.4 10.0 12.5 21.6 2.4 1.9 4.3 .104
1973-74 31 VIR ABA PF 82 2485 13.9 .491 .027 .254 6.9 14.0 10.5 8.6 0.8 0.7 12.5 23.2 1.7 1.3 3.0 .059 -0.4 -1.7 -2.1 -0.1
1974-75 32 VIR ABA SF 60 1224 10.9 .453 .032 .340 6.2 11.5 8.8 11.9 1.0 0.4 13.0 23.1 -0.4 0.5 0.1 .002 -1.8 -1.5 -3.4 -0.4
8 Yrs 599 18636 16.7 .521 .014 .353 6.8 13.2 11.4 10.2 0.9 0.6 13.7 22.0 26.8 14.4 41.1 .106 -0.9 -1.6 -2.5 -0.5
DLC (3 Yrs) 228 7721 19.4 .533 .007 .428 12.1 9.1 13.7 23.1 16.5 4.8 21.3 .133
KEN (2 Yrs) 146 5221 16.1 .530 .014 .314 6.7 13.1 11.8 12.3 14.9 19.6 6.6 5.8 12.4 .114
VIR (2 Yrs) 142 3709 12.9 .479 .028 .280 6.7 13.2 9.9 9.7 0.9 0.6 12.7 23.1 1.3 1.8 3.1 .040 -0.9 -1.6 -2.5 -0.5
UTS (1 Yr) 83 1985 15.1 .530 .015 .281 7.1 13.4 10.4 10.0 12.5 21.6 2.4 1.9 4.3 .104
Advanced Table
1967-68 25 DLC ABA SF 8 334 20.7 .531 .014 .507 11.8 7.9 13.7 22.8 0.8 0.4 1.1 .162
1968-69 26 DLC ABA SF 7 227 20.2 .527 .009 .377 13.3 6.5 14.2 25.3 0.5 0.2 0.6 .135
1969-70 27 DLC ABA SF 6 219 18.0 .520 .028 .380 15.3 16.2 17.1 24.0 0.3 0.2 0.5 .111
1970-71 28 KEN ABA SF 19 702 16.1 .535 .025 .362 9.0 13.5 1.1 1.1 2.2 .151
1971-72 29 KEN ABA SF 6 169 13.5 .588 .019 .365 7.7 8.1 17.7 18.4 0.4 0.1 0.4 .126
1972-73 30 UTS ABA SF 10 192 9.5 .452 .011 .326 9.2 4.7 14.3 24.9 -0.1 0.1 0.0 -0.001
1973-74 31 VIR ABA PF 5 176 13.6 .471 .030 .140 9.6 18.9 13.8 4.7 0.8 0.3 13.8 26.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 .011 -1.4 -1.9 -3.2 -0.1
7 Yrs 61 2019 16.5 .520 .020 .361 9.6 18.9 12.0 8.5 0.8 0.3 14.4 23.7 2.9 2.1 5.0 .118 -1.4 -1.9 -3.2 -0.1
DLC (3 Yrs) 21 780 19.8 .526 .016 .429 13.2 9.8 14.9 23.8 1.5 0.8 2.3 .140
KEN (2 Yrs) 25 871 15.6 .544 .024 .362 7.7 8.8 14.2 18.4 1.5 1.2 2.7 .147
UTS (1 Yr) 10 192 9.5 .452 .011 .326 9.2 4.7 14.3 24.9 -0.1 0.1 0.0 -0.001
VIR (1 Yr) 5 176 13.6 .471 .030 .140 9.6 18.9 13.8 4.7 0.8 0.3 13.8 26.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 .011 -1.4 -1.9 -3.2 -0.1

College Stats

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors


Frequently Asked Questions

Where was Cincy Powell born?

Cincy Powell was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

When was Cincy Powell born?

Cincy Powell was born on February 25, 1942.

How tall was Cincy Powell?

Cincy Powell was 6-7 (201 cm) tall.

How much did Cincy Powell weigh when playing?

Cincy Powell weighed 220 lbs (99 kg) when playing.

Is Cincy Powell in the Hall of Fame?

Cincy Powell is not in the Hall of Fame.

When was Cincy Powell drafted?

Cincy Powell was drafted by St. Louis Hawks, 8th round (5th pick, 69th overall), 1965 NBA Draft.

What position did Cincy Powell play?

Small Forward and Power Forward.

When did Cincy Powell retire?

Cincy Powell last played in 1975.

What did Cincy Powell average?

Cincy Powell averaged 16.3 points, 7.6 rebounds, and 2.2 assists per game.

How many rings does Cincy Powell have?

Cincy Powell won 0 championships.

What schools did Cincy Powell attend?

Cincy Powell attended McKinley in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and University of Portland.

What are Cincy Powell's nicknames?

The Big C is a nickname for Cincy Powell.

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